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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117196
Első szerző:Biczó András (jogász)
Cím:Dichotómikus jelleg II. József 1787-es büntető kódexében és annak egy lehetséges eljárásjogi következménye a magyar büntető joggyakorlatban / Biczó András
Megjegyzések:This paper attempts to highlight the dichotomous feature of the Josephine Penal Code of 1787 (General Code on crimes and their punishments) associated with one of the Emperor's significant measures to reform the Hungarian court system: the institution of judicii subalternii (subaltern courts). The dichotomous character can be regarded as a prefiguration of the current classification of offences according to their severity, since the Penal Code entered into force on 22 March 1787 also in the Hungarian Kingdom endeavored to distinguish so-called criminal as well as civil offences from each other in a substantive legal sense. This categorization of the acts sanctioned also included procedural consequences, namely different courts had to proceed in cases of criminal and civil offences as per diverse rules of procedure. The 38 judicii subalternii were established throughout the Hungarian Kingdom, moreover these new courts of the first instances received the former competentiae of more native judicial bodies, among others, the competentiae of free royal cities (libera regiae civitas) to proceed in cases of criminal offences was also given in harmony with the provisions of the Penal Code. The main goal of this research is to create such a causal hypothesis that can be inspirational and enriching for further and deeper analysis of Hungarian criminal legal practice with particular respect to the exploration of the phenomenon of how the foreign Josephine Penal Code of 1787 was applied in the domestic "legal environment". In a narrower sense, this analysis casts light on the relationship between the Magistrates of Debrecen obtained the status of free royal cities and the judicium subalternum of Bihar county based in Nagyvárad concerning the peculiar share of competentiae to judge the acts penalized by the Penal Code in conformity with its dichotomous regulation, viz. that, the Magistrates of Debrecen had competentia of proceeding in civil offences, whereas judicium subalternum of Bihar county authorized to conduct proceedings in criminal offences. The causal hypothesis made as the result of the scrutiny is as follows: The main reason of the Magistrates was the dichotomous trait of the Penal Code when it decided at a certain point of the procedure initiated in Debrecen to deliver the case (resignatio) to the judicium subalternum of Bihar county because of observing the lack of its competentia since the case proved to be a criminal offence. In conclusion, the dissection of the phenomenon of resignatio linked with the dichotomous character of the Penal Code may be a prosperous approach to analyzing the Penal Code of 1787 in the Hungarian criminal practice.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
II. József
iudicium subalternum
Novus ordo
Allgemeines Gesetz über Verbrechen, und derselben Bestrafung
Megjelenés:A jog tudománya, a mindennapok joga V. - Konferenciakötet / szerk. Szűcs Lászlóné Siska Katalin, Talabos Dávidné Lukács Nikolett. - p. 37-52. -
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