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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118024
Első szerző:Potish, Ludvig
Cím:Noctuid pests in forests of Transcarpathia / Ludvig Potish, Kálmán Szanyi, Zoltán Varga, Miklós Tóth, Antal Nagy, Szabolcs Szanyi
Megjegyzések:For many decades light traps have been the most common method for catching night active pests in plant protection and forestry, but newly developed baited traps using feeding attractants provide a more standard and easy-to-use method of monitoring. Studies carried out in agricultural habitats proved the efficiency of the bisex (attract both males and females) synthetic and semi-synthetic generic lures, especially in the case of species belonging to the Noctuidae family. The lures were tested in forests to collect data on forest pests and study the efficiency and selectivity of the lures in arboreal habitats. Samplings were made in the surroundings of Uzzhorod (Ungvár) in Transcarpathia (West Ukraine) with CSALOMON?VARL+ traps from 26. July to 16. October 2022. Two baits were tested with unbaited control traps in three reps.: FLO (floral): phenylacetaldehyde + eugenol + benzyl acetate (1:1:1); SBL (semisynthetic bisexual lure): isoamyl alcohol + acetic acid + red wine (1:1:1). During the study, 2289 specimens belonging to 68 Macroheterocera species were caught. Most species caught belonged to the Noctuidae family, but species of Erebidae and Geometridae were also trapped. Among Noctuidea the most species-rich subfamilies were Xyleninae, Hadeninae, and Noctuinae. Considering ecotypes, the ratio of silvicolous species was the highest, but there were many eurytopic and even migratory species too. The high ratio of the Euro-Siberian faunal elements referred to the geographic situation of the sampling site, however, some mediterranean species also appeared. The appearance of harmful and potential forest pest species could be also detected, but only with low abundances.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:28. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum/10th International Plant Protection Symposium at University of Debrecen: Program - Programme / szerk. Tarcali Gábor, Biró Györgyi, Csüllög Kitti. - p. 44-45.
További szerzők:Szanyi Kálmán (1997-) (biológia, hidrobiológia, entomológia) Varga Zoltán (1939-) (professor emeritus, evolúcióbiológus, zoológus) Tóth Miklós (biológus) Nagy Antal (1976-) (biológus) Szanyi Szabolcs (1988-) (biológus, ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:MTA Domus Szülőföldi Csoportos Ösztöndíj (2022)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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