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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118067
Első szerző:Tarcali Gábor (agrármérnök)
Cím:Preliminary results of the study of Cryphonectria parasitica on sweet chestnut in Nepal / Gábor Tarcali, László Radócz, Kitti Csüllög, Hari Prasad Arial, Santosh Khesi, Sanjay Kumar Jha
Megjegyzések:Cryphonectria parasitica is the causal agent of chestnut blight disease. The fungus is one of the most important pathogens of Castanea spp. but also endangers other tree species of the Fagaceae plant family (oakspecies, beech). The pathogen is native to eastern Asia and is widely present in North America and many European countries. European chestnut (Castane sativa) is one of the most endangered species by the pathogen. The pathogen is also present in India where European chestnuts are mainly found in Jammu and Kashmir State. During a survey of fungal pathogens associated with the cankers of chestnut trees in Jammu and Kashmir State, significant bark cancer infection was found. Nepal is a neighboring country of India and is located close to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. In Nepal, there are also found chestnut populations. Indian chestnut (Castanopsis indica) also grows naturally in Nepal. Until now, the presence of Cryphonectria parasitica has not been recorded in Nepal. In 2020 and 2022, studies were conducted in central parts of Nepal, primarily in the Kathmandu area, but also in Pokhara in various chestnut populations. Our goal was to investigate whether bark cancer is present in the country on chestnut.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
chestnut blight
Megjelenés:28. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum/10th International Plant Protection Symposium at University of Debrecen: Program - Programme / szerk. Tarcali Gábor, Biró Györgyi, Csüllög Kitti. - p. 140-141.
További szerzők:Radócz László (1965-) (növényvédő agrármérnök) Csüllög Kitti (1995-) (okleveles növényorvos, mezőgazdasági mérnök) Arial, Hari Prasad Khesi, Santosh Jha, Sanjay Kumar
Pályázati támogatás:2019.2.1.11-TET-2020-00201
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