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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118287
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85183497182
Első szerző:Barabás Ágota (védőnő)
Cím:Nutrition habits and physical activity of disabled adolescents in Hungary / Ágota Barabás, Melinda Nagy, Anita Katalin Grestyák Molnárné, Attila Csaba Nagy, Viktoria Pazmany, Mária Zahatňanská, Mária Konečná, Vincent Sedlák, Marta Mydlárová Blaščáková, Janka Poráčová, Renáta Erdei Jávorné
ISSN:1210-7778 1803-1048
Megjegyzések:Objectives: The overall aim of the research is to gain insight into the lifestyle and health behaviour of young people with disabilities aged 12?18 years, and to learn about the factors shaping their health. In this study, our aim was to investigate the eating habits and physical activity of adolescents with disabilities and the influencing factors. Methods: The study's source population was young people aged 12?18 with disabilities in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. A total of 239 completed questionnaires were processed and analysed. Boys were overrepresented in the study. Results: The results show that inadequate eating habits also exist in the population we studied, the consumption of certain foods correlates with the education level of parents. A more secure social background is a protective factor in terms of physical activity. The survey was made with the aim of intervention much needed. With precise knowledge of the health behaviour of the target group, our goal is to develop a complex intervention programme adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. Conclusion: The eating habits of adolescents with disabilities in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County are unsatisfactory. Experience and results show that differentiated health promotion of young people with disabilities is necessary.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
physical activity
health behaviour
Megjelenés:Central European Journal of Public Health. - 31 : Suppl_1 (2023), p. 55-61. -
További szerzők:Nagy Melinda Molnárné Grestyák Anita Katalin (1992-) (szülésznő) Nagy Attila Csaba (1981-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos, epidemiológus) Pázmány Viktória (1976-) (gyógypedagógus) Zahatňanská, Mária Konečná, Marie Sedlák, Vincent Blaščáková, Marta Mydlárová Poráčová, Janka Jávorné Erdei Renáta (1975-) (védőnő)
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