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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119221
Első szerző:Elmohandes, Nirmeen (PhD student, Business and Management)
Cím:Advanced Technology's Role in the Hospitality Industry's Hiring Process / Nirmeen Elmohandes, Vargáné Csobán Katalin
Megjegyzések:Organizations and businesses do everything they can to use advanced technology to create new products and services. Businesses can change their business models and find new ways to work thanks to advanced technology, including the hospitality industry. People agree that new technology has had a tremendous impact on human resource tasks like recruiting, training, evaluating, and, most importantly, getting rid of tasks that are done repeatedly. Some research has been done on industry 4.0 and HR functions. However, there is little scientific knowledge about how it affects hiring people and what kinds of technology are best for this, especially in the hospitality context. So, this literature paper aims to explain how new technologies have changed the recruitment process in the hospitality sector. This study draws on research found in databases like Science Direct, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Emerald Insight to illustrate how industry 4.0 might improve the hospitality industry's hiring practices. Articles published between 2012 and 2022 were reviewed to compile this literature paper. According to this paper's results, the hotel industry is at the forefront of those embracing new technologies to improve the recruitment process. There are five primary advanced technology elements that influence the hospitality recruitment process. A thorough analysis is required to direct decision-makers and improve service design by highlighting real-world and potential advantages and the extent to which job hopefuls utilize this advanced technology to apply for jobs.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
traditional recruitment
advanced recruitment
industy 4.0 recruitment
gamification recruitment
hospitality AI recruitment
Megjelenés:"Új turizmus? - Lehetőségek és kihívások" XIII. Nemzetközi Turizmus Konferencia Tanulmánykötet / szerk. Albert Tóth Attila, Happ Éva; Kőmíves Csaba, Printz-Markó Erzsébet. - p. 59-67. -
További szerzők:Vargáné Csobán Katalin (1975-) (angol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár, közgazdász)
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