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001-es BibID:bibEBI00026249
Első szerző:Fekete Deák Ildikó (pszichológus)
Cím:The balance between teaching and education in teaching profession / Fekete Deák Ildikó
Megjegyzések:In our modern world, especially as a result of the accelerated socio-cultural structural changes which characterized the last decades, the earlier familiar approaches regarding childhood, education and school socialization lost their validity. Th is caused fundamental changes in the system of the teaching and education process. Th e opinion, that the task of a pedagogue is nothing else than to transmit the curriculum content, without the necessity to educate children, becomes more and more popular. In this context the question arises, what is today the task of a teacher, of a pedagogue? Does he/she just teach or he/she educates pupils as well. Th e contemporary Romanian education policy lays stress on the transmission of the curriculum content and consequently the majority of the teachers have got a so-called knowledge-focused attitude, the overcrowded curriculum, the chase after achievement, leaves less room to education. In my opinion, it depends on the personality of the teacher, whether he/she considers education as an important task beyond the delivery of the learning content. What does actually school education mean? To what extent is it palpable and to what extent is it a consciuous activity? What is the matter with the "hidden curriculum"? To what extent do the prevailing education system and the methods of the teacher training infl uence school education? How can the effi ciency of these factors be measured?
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Kultúra és Közösség. - 10 : 4 (2019), p. 49-63. -
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