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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116559
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85163949441 (WOS)001024543800006
Első szerző:Scholz Anna
Cím:Musical Life in Budapest during World War II: Music Reviews by Dénes Bartha in Pester Lloyd (1939-1944) / Scholz, Anna
ISSN:1788-6244 1789-2422
Megjegyzések:Denes Bartha (1908-1993), the internationally renowned Hungarian music historian, worked as a music critic for Pester Lloyd, the German-language Budapest daily newspaper between 1939 and 1944. Within the five concert seasons, I found a total of four hundred and sixty-five writings by Bartha in the columns of the newspaper, mostly reviews of concerts and opera performances but also some interviews and theoretical articles. The importance of the articles is enhanced by the fact that they commemorate the performances of such distinguished Hungarian musicians as Bela Bartok, Ernst von Dohnanyi, Emil Telmanyi, Ede Zathureczky, the Waldbauer-Kerpely String Quartet and the Vegh Quartet among others, and they also document guest performances in Budapest by such renowned foreign performers as Herbert von Karajan, Wilhelm Furtwangler, Willem Mengelberg, Hans Knappertsbusch, Clemens Krauss, Edwin Fischer and Walter Gieseking. In 2022, one hundred and twenty articles were published in my Hungarian translation from this extremely valuable and diverse material. In this study, I present the main features of Denes Bartha's perspective as a music critic, taking examples from the articles included in the volume.
Tárgyszavak:Művészetek Zeneművészet idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Dénes Bartha
music reviews
Pester Lloyd
World War II
Megjelenés:Studia Musicologica. - 63 : 3-4 (2023), p. 299-328. -
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