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001-es BibID:BIBFORM002002
Első szerző:Bácsi Attila (immunológus)
Cím:Colostrinin delays the onset of proliferative senescence of diploid murine fibroblast cells / Attila Bacsi, Mitchell Woodberry, Marian L. Kruzel, Istvan Boldogh
Megjegyzések:Colostrinine (CLN), a uniform mixture of low-molecular weight, proline-rich polypeptides, induces neurite outgrowth of pheochromocytoma cells and inhibits beta amyloid-induced apoptosis. Moreover, its administration to patients with Alzheimer's disease resulted in improved cognitive functions. In this study, we investigated the impact of CLN on the lifespan of murine diploid fibroblast cells (MDF), an in vitro model for cellular aging. Here, we show that CLN significantly decelerates the senescence of cultured MDF and increases their population doubling levels. This action of CLN is associated with a decrease in the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species, which may be due to senescence-associated mitochondrial dysfunction. These data suggest that CLN may delay the development of cellular aging at the level of the organism. Thus, CLN may be used in the prevention and/or therapy of diseases associated with aging processes.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Oxidative stress
Megjelenés:Neuropeptides. - 41 : 2 (2007), p. 93-101. -
További szerzők:Woodberry, Mitchell Kruzel, Marian L. Boldogh István
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