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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050750
Első szerző:Papp Hajnalka
Cím:Review of group : a rotavirus strains reported in swine and cattle / Hajnalka Papp, Brigitta László, Ferenc Jakab, Balasubramanian Ganesh, Simona De Grazia, Jelle Matthijnssens, Max Ciarlet, Vito Martella, Krisztián Bányai
Megjegyzések:Group A rotavirus (RVA) infections cause severe economic losses in intensivelyreared livestock animals, particularly in herds of swine and cattle. RVA strains are antigenically heterogeneous, and are classified in multiple G and P typesdefined by the two outer capsid proteins, VP7 and VP4, respectively. This studysummarizes published literature on the genetic and antigenic diversity of porcineand bovine RVA strains published over the last 3 decades. The single mostprevalent genotype combination among porcine RVA strains was G5P[7], whereas the predominant genotype combination among bovine RVA strains was G6P[5], althoughspatiotemporal differences in RVA strain distribution were observed. These dataprovide important baseline data on epidemiologically important RVA strains inswine and cattle and may guide the development of more effective vaccines forveterinary use.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Vetrinary Microbiology. - 165 : 3-4 (2013), p. 190-199. -
További szerzők:László Brigitta (1983-) (molekuláris biológus, mikrobiológus) Jakab Ferenc Ganesh, Balasubramanian De Grazia, Simona Matthijnssens, Jelle Ciarlet, Max Martella, Vito Bányai Krisztián (virológus)
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