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001-es BibID:BIBFORM107405
Első szerző:Dobi Edit (nyelvész)
Cím:Mi szükség a konstringenciára? / Dobi Edit
Megjegyzések:The category of constringency was evoked by semiotic textology for the description of textual meaning in scientifically precise terms. This notion serves to characterize the speaker's and receiver's impressions. Constringency is created in case factual unity rendered to the text by its producer and interpreter is taken to be factually possible in reality. The present study provides an interpretation of the relation of constringency to the notions of coherence, cohesion, and connexity in the context of the representation of textual meaning. This, however, requires clarification of the status of pragmatics, as research in semiotically-based textual meaning interprets communication as a mentallybased operation of interaction between users, the basis of which is comprised by the mental content of the communicating partners. Therefore, their individual knowledge-base, together with occurrence of their presumable differences express critically important roles in the course of communication.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Officina Textologica. - 22 (2022), p. 52-64. -
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