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001-es BibID:BIBFORM111382
035-os BibID:(Cikkazonosító)0283093 (Scopus)85158856567 (WoS)000984919900040
Első szerző:Hussain Muhammad Rizwan (Business and Management Department)
Cím:Examining the convergence of dominant themes related to social entrepreneurship, NGOs and globalization : A systematic literature review / Muhammad Rizwan Hussain, György Norbert Szabados, Khalid Bin Muhammad, Sevinj Omarli, Shah Ali Murtaza, Edina Molnár
Megjegyzések:Social entrepreneurship (SE) is an all-encompassing concept in comparison to a typical non-government organization (NGO). It is a topic that has captured the interest of academics investigating nonprofit, charitable, and nongovernmental organizations. Despite the interest, few studies have examined the overlap and convergence of entrepreneurship and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), in congruence with the new phase of globalization. The study gathered and evaluated 73 peer-reviewed papers using a systematic literature review methodology, mainly from Web of Science but also from Scopus, JSTOR, and Science Direct, and supplemented by a search of existing databases and bibliographies. Based on the findings, 71 percent of studies suggest that organizations must reconsider the concept of social work, which has evolved rapidly, aided by globalization. The concept has changed from the NGO model to a more sustainable one, such as that proposed by SE. However, it is difficult to draw broad generalizations regarding the convergence of contextdependent complex variables such as SE, NGOs, and globalization. The results of the study will significantly contribute to a better understanding of the convergence of SE and NGOs, as well as the recognition that many aspects of NGOs, SE, and post-COVID globalization remain unexamined.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Plos One. - 18 : 5 (2023), p. 1-23. -
További szerzők:Szabados György (1974-) (gazdasági agrármérnök) Muhammad Khalid Bin Omarli Sevinj Murtaza, Shah Ali (1985-) (PhD hallgató) Molnár Edina (1974-) (pszichológus)
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