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001-es BibID:BIBFORM090867
Első szerző:Al-Chalabi, Ammar
Cím:Potential of the Cardiovascular Drug Levosimendan in the Management of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis / Al-Chalabi Ammar, Heunks Leo M. A., Papp Zoltán, Pollesello Piero
Megjegyzések:Levosimendan is a calcium sensitizer that promotes myocyte contractility through its calcium-dependent interaction with cardiac troponin C. Administered intravenously, it has been used for nearly 2 decades to treat acute and advanced heart failure and to support the heart function in various therapy settings characterized by low cardiac output. Effects of levosimendan on noncardiac muscle suggest a possible new application in the treatment of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neuromuscular disorder characterized by progressive weakness, and eventual paralysis. Previous attempts to improve the muscle response in ALS patients and thereby maintain respiratory function and delay progression of disability have produced some mixed results. Continuing this line of investigation, levosimendan has been shown to enhance in vitro the contractility of the diaphragm muscle fibers of non-ALS patients and to improve in vivo diaphragm neuromuscular efficiency in healthy subjects. Possible positive effects on respiratory function in people with ALS were seen in an exploratory phase 2 study, and a phase 3 clinical trial is now underway to evaluate the potential benefit of an oral form of levosimendan on both respiratory and overall functions in patients with ALS. Here, we will review the various known pharmacologic effects of levosimendan, considering their relevance to people living with ALS.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 74 : 5 (2019), p. 389-399. -
További szerzők:Heunks, Leo M. A. Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász) Pollesello, Piero
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070110
Első szerző:Altenberger, Johann
Cím:Levosimendan in acute and advanced heart failure : an appraisal of the clinical database and evaluation of its therapeutic applications / Altenberger J., Gustafsson F., Harjola Veli-Pekka, Karason K., Kindgen-Milles D., Kivikko M., Malfatto G., Papp Z., Parissis J., Pollesello P., Pölzl G., Tschöpe C.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 71 : 3 (2018), p. 129-136. -
További szerzők:Gustafsson, Finn Harjola, Veli-Pekka Karason, Kristian Kindgen-Milles, D. Kivikko, Matti Malfatto, Gabriella Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász) Parissis, John Pollesello, Piero Pölzl, Gerhard Tschöpe, Carsten
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101881
035-os BibID:(WoS)000807089500010 (Scopus)85131702367
Első szerző:Levijoki, Jouko
Cím:The adenylate cyclase activator forskolin potentiates the positive inotropic effect of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor milrinone but not of the calcium sensitizer levosimendan nor of its hemodynamically active metabolites / Levijoki Jouko, Pollesello Piero, Grossini Elena, Papp Zoltán
Megjegyzések:OR-1855 and OR-1896 are 2 hemodynamically active metabolites of the inodilator levosimendan, with calcium sensitizing activity, but their mechanism of action is still not fully understood. It has been previously reported that the positive inotropic effect of levosimendan is not potentiated by the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin, whereas forskolin does potentiate the effects of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor milrinone. To ascertain whether the active metabolites follow the same pattern of levosimendan, the positive inotropic effects of OR- 1855 and OR-1896 were studied in guinea-pig-isolated papillary muscle in the presence and absence of forskolin. OR-1855 and OR-1896 were also tested as inhibitors of PDE-III and PDE-IV. Our results show that 0.1 mu M forskolin did not potentiate the positive inotropic effect of OR-1855 or OR-1896, as in the case of the parent compound levosimendan. As in previous studies, the positive inotropic effect of milrinone was markedly potentiated in the presence of forskolin. From these data, we propose an explanation for the divergent behavior of the calcium sensitizing drugs and PDE inhibitors.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 79 : 6 (2022), p. 827-832. -
További szerzők:Pollesello, Piero Grossini, Elena Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM056059
Első szerző:Nagy László (orvos)
Cím:Inotropes and inodilators for acute heart failure : sarcomere active drugs in focus / László Nagy, Piero Pollesello, Zoltán Papp
Megjegyzések:Acute heart failure (AHF) emerges as a major and growing epidemiological concern with high morbidity and mortality rates. Current therapies in patients with acute heart failure rely on different strategies. Patients with hypotension, hypoperfusion, or shock require inotropic support, whereas diuretics and vasodilators are recommended in patients with systemic or pulmonary congestion. Traditionally inotropic agents, referred to as Ca mobilizers load the cardiomyocyte with Ca and thereby increase oxygen consumption and risk for arrhythmias. These limitations of traditional inotropes may be avoided by sarcomere targeted agents. Direct activation of the cardiac sarcomere may be achieved by either sensitizing the cardiac myofilaments to Ca or activating directly the cardiac myosin. In this review, we focus on sarcomere targeted inotropic agents, emphasizing their mechanisms of action and overview the most relevant clinical considerations.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 64 : 3 (2014), p. 199-208. -
További szerzők:Pollesello, Piero Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0045
Kardiológia Kutatócsoport
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM040599
Első szerző:Nieminen, Markku S.
Cím:Effects of Levosimendan on the Energy Balance : Preclinical and Clinical Evidence / Markku S. Nieminen, Piero Pollesello, Gusztáv Vajda, Zoltán Papp
Megjegyzések:Levosimendan is a novel inodilator agent, which enhances myocardial performance without substantial changes in oxygen consumption. The combination of positive inotropic and vasodilator effects of levosimendan relates to its Ca-sensitizing and K channel opening effects. Levosimendan is one of the best documented pharmacological agents used in the management of acute heart failure syndromes. Interest in levosimendan has recently been renewed owing to its potential in supporting cardiac function in patients with ischemic heart disease and cardiogenic or septic shock. It has been also demonstrated that levosimendan can be used as a bridge therapy for the perioperative phase of cardiac surgery. The ability of levosimendan to improve myocardial function without substantially increasing oxygen consumption may appear paradoxical but is indeed possible via improved efficacy, not only with regard to the effects on the contractile apparatus of the cardiomyocytes but also when its composite hemodynamic effects are considered. The energy balance equation, therefore, should take into account the effect of levosimendan on all energy-consuming and energy-producing paths. Moreover, levosimendan-evoked KATP channel opening may possess favorable effects on mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate synthesis conferring cardioprotection during ischemic insults.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. - 53 : 4 (2009), p. 302-310. -
További szerzők:Pollesello, Piero Vajda Gusztáv (1956-) (kardiológus) Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:K 68363
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM090883
Első szerző:Papp Zoltán (kardiológus, élettanász)
Cím:Levosimendan Efficacy and Safety : 20 Years of SIMDAX in Clinical Use / Papp Zoltán, Agostoni Piergiuseppe, Alvarez Julian, Bettex Dominique, Bouchez Stefan, Brito Dulce, Černý Vladimir, Comin-Colet Josep, Crespo-Leiro Marisa G., Delgado Juan F., Édes Istvan, Eremenko Alexander A., Farmakis Dimitrios, Fedele Francesco, Fonseca Cândida, Fruhwald Sonja, Girardis Massimo, Guarracino Fabio, Harjola Veli-Pekka, Heringlake Matthias, Herpain Antoine, Heunks Leo M. A., Husebye Trygve, Ivancan Višnja, Karason Kristjan, Kaul Sundeep, Kivikko Matti, Kubica Janek, Masip Josep, Matskeplishvili Simon, Mebazaa Alexandre, Nieminen Markku S., Oliva Fabrizio, Papp Julius-Gyula, Parissis John, Parkhomenko Alexander, Põder Pentti, Pölzl Gerhard, Reinecke Alexander, Ricksten Sven-Erik, Riha Hynek, Rudiger Alain, Sarapohja Toni, Schwinger Robert H. G., Toller Wolfgang, Tritapepe Luigi, Tschöpe Carsten, Wikström Gerhard, von Lewinski Dirk, Vrtovec Bojan, Pollesello Piero
Megjegyzések:Levosimendan was first approved for clinical use in 2000, when authorization was granted by Swedish regulatory authorities for the hemodynamic stabilization of patients with acutely decompensated chronic heart failure (HF). In the ensuing 20 years, this distinctive inodilator, which enhances cardiac contractility through calcium sensitization and promotes vasodilatation through the opening of adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium channels on vascular smooth muscle cells, has been approved in more than 60 jurisdictions, including most of the countries of the European Union and Latin America. Areas of clinical application have expanded considerably and now include cardiogenic shock, takotsubo cardiomyopathy, advanced HF, right ventricular failure, pulmonary hypertension, cardiac surgery, critical care, and emergency medicine. Levosimendan is currently in active clinical evaluation in the United States. Levosimendan in IV formulation is being used as a research tool in the exploration of a wide range of cardiac and noncardiac disease states. A levosimendan oral form is at present under evaluation in the management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. To mark the 20 years since the advent of levosimendan in clinical use, 51 experts from 23 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine) contributed to this essay, which evaluates one of the relatively few drugs to have been successfully introduced into the acute HF arena in recent times and charts a possible development trajectory for the next 20 years.
Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász): Levosimendan Efficacy and Safety : 20 years of SIMDAX in Clinical Use
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 76 : 1 (2020), p. 4-22. -
További szerzők:Agostoni, Piergiuseppe Alvarez, Julian Bettex, Dominique Bouchez, Stefan Brito, Dulce Cerny, Vladimir Comin-Colet, Josep Crespo-Leiro, Maria G. Delgado, Juan F. Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Eremenko, Alexandr A. Farmakis, Dimitrios Fedele, Francesco Fonseca, Candida Fruhwald, Sonja Girardis, Massimo Guarracino, Fabio Harjola, Veli-Pekka Heringlake, Matthias Herpain, Antoine Heunks, Leo M. A. Husebye, Trygve Ivancan, Visnja Karason, Kristian Kaul, Sundeep Kivikko, Matti Kubica, Janek Masip, Josep Matskeplishvili, Simon Mebazaa, Alexandre Nieminen, Markku S. Oliva, Fabrizio Papp Gy. Julius (Szeged) Parissis, John Parkhomenko, Alexander Põder, Pentti Pölzl, Gerhard Reinecke, Alexander Ricksten, Sven-Erik Riha, Hynek Rudiger, Alain Sarapohja, Toni Schwinger, Robert H. G. Toller, Wolfgang Tritapepe, Luigi Tschöpe, Carsten Wikström, Gerhard von Lewinski, Dirk Vrtovec, Bojan Pollesello, Piero
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105277
035-os BibID:(WoS)000913820000001 (Scopus)85145955160
Első szerző:Pollesello, Piero
Cím:The future for inotropes in heart failure. Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater! / Pollesello Piero, Papp Zoltán
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 81 : 1 (2023), p. 1-3. -
További szerzők:Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003764
Első szerző:Pollesello, Piero
Cím:The cardioprotective effects of levosimendan : preclinical and clinical evidence / Pollesello, P., Papp, Z.
Megjegyzések:Levosimendan, a drug used in the treatment of acute and decompensated heart failure, has positive inotropic and antistunning effects mediated by calcium sensitization of contractile proteins, and vasodilatory and antiischemic effects mediated via the opening of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in vascular smooth-muscle cells. Recently, it also has been shown to act on mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium (mitoKATP) channels, an action thought to protect the heart against ischemia-reperfusion damage. This finding has suggested a possible application for levosimendan in clinical situations in which preconditioning would be beneficial (eg, in pre- and perioperative settings in cardiac surgery). The demonstration that levosimendan can prevent or limit myocyte apoptosis via the activation of mitoKATP channels provides a potential mechanism whereby this agent might protect cardiac myocytes during episodes of acute heart failure. This finding may explain why short-term treatment with levosimendan may improve longer-term survival. The present article reviews the literature on the cardioprotective actions of levosimendan, with particular emphasis on its recently recognized effects on mitoKATP channels and the putative preconditioning effects of that action. A therapeutic approach to acute heart failure that includes a cardioprotective strategy could have a clinically meaningful benefit on disease progression beyond alleviation of symptoms
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Cardiotonic Agents
drug effects
Drug Evaluation,Preclinical
Heart Failure
Ischemic Preconditioning,Myocardial
Myocardial Reperfusion Injury
Potassium Channels
prevention &amp
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Megjelenés:Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 50 : 3 (2007), p. 257-263. -
További szerzők:Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM015109
Első szerző:Szilágyi Szabolcs (kardiológus)
Cím:Two inotropes with different mechanisms of action : contractile, PDE-inhibitory and direct myofibrillar effects of levosimendan and enoximone / Szilagyi S., Pollesello P., Levijoki J., Haikala H., Bak I., Tosaki A., Borbely A., Edes I., Papp Z.
Megjegyzések:We characterized the Ca2+-sensitizing and phosphodiesterase (PDE)-inhibitory potentials of levosimendan and enoximone to assess their contributions to the positive inotropic effects of these drugs. In guinea pig hearts perfused in the working-heart mode, the maximal increase in cardiac output (55%, P<0.05) was attained at 50 nM levosimendan. The corresponding value for enoximone (36%) was significantly smaller (P<0.05) and was observed at a higher concentration (500 nM). In permeabilized myocyte-sized preparations levosimendan evoked a maximal increase of 55.8+/-8% (mean+/-SEM) in isometric force production via Ca2+ sensitization (pCa 6.2, EC50 8.4 nM). Enoximone up to a concentration of 10 microM failed to influence the isometric force. The PDE-inhibitory effects were probed on the PDE III and PDE IV isoforms. Levosimendan proved to be a 1300-fold more potent and a 90-fold more selective PDE III inhibitor (IC50 for PDE III 1.4 nM, and IC50 for PDE IV 11 microM, selectivity factor approximately 8000) than enoximone (IC50 for PDE III 1.8 microM, and IC50 for PDE IV 160 microM, selectivity factor approximately 90). Hence, our data support the hypothesis that levosimendan exerts positive inotropy via a Ca2+-sensitizing mechanism, whereas enoximone does so via PDE inhibition with a limited PDE III versus PDE IV selectivity.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. - 46 : 3 (2005), p. 369-376. -
További szerzők:Pollesello, Piero Levijoki, Jouko Haikala, Heimo Bak István (1975-) (vegyész, analitikus, farmakológus) Tósaki Árpád (1958-) (kísérletes farmakológus, gyógyszerész) Borbély Attila (1978-) (kardiológus) Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
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