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001-es BibID:BIBFORM044688
Első szerző:Papp Zoltán (fizikus)
Cím:Estimate of the dose-increment due to outdoor exposure to gamma rays from uranium progeny deposited on the soil around a coal-fired power plant in Ajka Town, Hungary / Papp Z., Dezső Z.
Megjegyzések:Brown coal unusually rich in uranium is burnt in acoal-fired power plant that lies inside the confines of a smallindustrial town named Ajka, Hungary, and has been operationalsince 1943. The 238U (226Ra) activity discharged to theatmosphere per unit electrical energy produced was about330?400 GBq (GW y)-1, which is 66?80 times more than thatwas estimated by UNSCEAR (1988) as a characteristic valuefor old type coal-fired power plants [5 GBq (GW y)-1]. Theobjective of this study was the experimentally establishedassessment of the artificial increment in the dose from externalexposure to gamma rays of terrestrial radionuclides outdoors.Soil samples were collected in and near Ajka from 81 locations.The samples were investigated by Ge(Li) gamma spectrometry.Considerably elevated concentrations of uranium and itsprogeny have been measured in most of the samples that werecollected near to the plant. Concentrations of 238U and 226Ra inthe top (0?5 cm depth) layer of undisturbed soil at public areasinside town were 4.7 times higher, on average, than those in theuncontaminated deeper layers. Dose rate in air (air kerma)from external exposure to terrestrial gamma rays outdoors ata height of 1 m and effective doses were estimated from themeasured activity concentrations using some relevant literaturedata. The estimated artificial increment in the dose rate inair was, on average, 32.8, 10.3, and 102.1 nGy h-1 at publicareas, vegetable gardens, and backyards, respectively. Themean artificial increment in the annual per caput effectivedose from external exposure to terrestrial radionuclides outdoorsis 21.8 Sv y-1. The collective dose commitment per unitenergy generated from outdoor exposure to the depositeduranium progeny is about 8.0 ?9.1 person Sv (GW y)-1, whichis 67?76 times more than that evaluated by UNSCEAR (1988)for a typical "old" coal-fired power plant [0.12 person Sv (GW y)-1]. Ajka is a suitable place for studying the dosimetricconsequences of the utilization of coal for energy productionexperimentally.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
external dose
power plant
Megjelenés:Health Physics. - 84 : 6 (2003), p. 709-717. -
További szerzők:Dezső Zoltán (1947-) (fizikus)
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