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001-es BibID:BIBFORM055346
Első szerző:Godó Zoltán (biológus, informatikus)
Cím:Glutathione - S - Transferase induction effect of red mud contaminated food / Zoltán Attila Godó, Csaba Révész, Dénes Kocsis
Megjegyzések:The environmental harm of the 2010 Hungarian red mudcatastrophy is inestimable. We can just guess the quality andthe quantity of the toxical materials, which became the part ofthe ecological circle. We have written down earlier, that thecontrary to dissolution tests (official measurements), the plantsare amass heavy metals in even more quantity than the soilconcentration.By consuming the primer producers, theese toxical metarials can get in the organism of animals and humas as well, even in concentrated amount. The Glutathion-S-transferase (GST) enzyme is the part of the non-specific detoxification apparatus. Observed the GST induction of the occurrence due to toxic agents for many different extent in different tissues. We have fed rabbits (Oryctalagus cuniculus) with plants, which have been grown on red mud harmed soil.After a period of ten days we analysed especially theactivation changes of the liver and the central nerve systemGST. We found significant correlation between the rate of thecontamination and the GST activity of the nerve system andliver. It means we can say that the contamination of the soilinduced the second member's detoxifying apparatus of thefood chain. It overstrained their organism and causedphysiological stress.Our research shows, in a long term, the contamination of the soil caused by red mud affects other members of the food chain as well.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idézhető absztrakt
red mud
Megjelenés:Acta Physiologica. - 211 : S697 (2014), p. 140-141. -
További szerzők:Révész Csaba Kocsis Dénes (1985-) (műszaki menedzser, környezetmérnök)
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