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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114570
035-os BibID:(WoS)001062566000001 (Scopus)85170715175
Első szerző:Kertész András (nyelvész)
Cím:Inconsistency in Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Kertész, András; Rákosi, Csilla
ISSN:2352-6408 2352-6416
Megjegyzések:Although Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) theory of conceptual metaphor has been extremely popular and successful, it has been criticized in many respects, one of which is its alleged inconsistency. This criticism presupposes that the principle of noncontradiction is the most important pillar of scientific theorizing because its violation turns the theory into logical chaos. Against this background, the paper asks: What kinds of inconsistencies emerge in conceptual metaphor theory and how should they be evaluated? In order to give an answer, the authors introduce Kertesz and Rikosi's (2019) [2012], (2022) p-model as a metatheoretical framework, with the help of which they analyse those arguments which charge conceptual metaphor theory with inconsistency. The authors conclude that if the dichotomy between inconsistency and consistency is replaced by the sophisticated distinctions among strong p-inconsistency, well-motivated permanent p-paraconsistency, temporary p-paraconsistency, and p-consistency, then the initial question can be answered in a straightforward manner.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Cognitive Semantics. - 9 : 3 (2023), p. 387-417. -
További szerzők:Rákosi Csilla (nyelvész)
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