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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088388
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)7063 (Scopus)85092778560 (WOS)000585101300001
Első szerző:Hajdu Péter (gyorsító üzemeltető mérnök)
Cím:Optimized Size and Distribution of Silver Nanoparticles on the Surface of Titanium Implant Regarding Cell Viability / Hajdu Péter, Lampé István, Rácz Richárd, Biri Sándor, Csík Attila, Tóth Ferenc, Szalóki Melinda, Hegedűs Viktória, Dombrádi Zsuzsanna, Varga István, Csarnovics István, Kökényesi Sándor, Beke Dezső László, Hegedűs Csaba
Megjegyzések:Though the antibacterial effect is advantageous, silver and silver nanoparticles can negatively affect the viability of human tissues. This study aims to check the viability of cells on surfaces with different particle size and to find the biologically optimal configuration. We investigated the effect of modified thickness of vaporized silver and applied heat and time on the physical characteristics of silver nanoparticle covered titanium surfaces. Samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and drop shape analyzer. To investigate how different physical surface characteristics influence cell viability, Alamar Blue assay for dental pulp stem cells was carried out. We found that different surface characteristics can be achieved by modifying procedures when creating silver nanoparticle covered titanium. The size of the nanoparticles varied between 60 to 368 nm, and hydrophilicity varied between 63 and 105 degrees of contact angle. Investigations also demonstrated that different physical characteristics are related to a different level of viability. Surfaces covered with 60 nm particle sizes proved to be the most hydrophilic, and the viability of the cells was comparable to the viability measured on the untreated control surface. Physical and biological characteristics of silver nanoparticle covered titanium, including cell viability, have an acceptable level to be used for antibacterial effects to prevent periimplantitis around implants.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
silver nanoparticles
antibacterial effect
cell viability
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 10 : 20 (2020), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Lampé István (1960-) (fogszakorvos) Rácz Richárd (1985-) (fizikus) Biri Sándor Csik Attila (1975-) (fizikus) Tóth Ferenc (1980-) (molekuláris biológus) Szalóki Melinda (1981-) (vegyész) Hegedűs Viktória (1986-) (fogorvos) Dombrádi Zsuzsanna Rita (1983-) (molekuláris biológus, mikrobiológus) Varga István (1974-) (fogszakorvos) Csarnovics István (1986-) (fizikus) Kökényesi Sándor (1946-) (fizikus) Beke Dezső László (1945-) (fizikus) Hegedűs Csaba (1953-) (fogszakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00011
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM091613
035-os BibID:(WoS)000632094300001 (Scopus)85101520969
Első szerző:Márton Éva (biológus)
Cím:Comparative Analysis of Cell-Free miR-205-5p, let-7f-5p, and miR-483-5p Expression in Ovarian Cell Cultures and Plasma Samples of Patients with Ovarian Cancer / Éva Márton, Alexandra Varga, Beáta Soltész, András Penyige, János Lukács, Róbert Póka, Bálint Nagy, Melinda Szilágyi
Megjegyzések:The term liquid biopsy reveals a non-invasive diagnostic method that might be based on the quantification of cell-free microRNAs in body fluids. However, the identification of candidates for liquid biopsy is challenging. Our aim was to compare the cell-free expression of miR-483-5p, miR-205-5p, and let-7f-5p in ovarian cell cultures and plasma samples of patients with ovarian cancer. Both the intracellular and cell-free expression of miR-205-5p and let-7f-5p proved to be higher in the Estrogen Receptor ? (ER?) expressing PEO1 cell-line than in the estrogen non-sensitive A2780. Moreover, the expression of let-7f-5p was up-regulated in response to estradiol exposure that was diminished after the addition of an ER? selective antagonist. MiR-483-5p had lower intracellular and cell-free expression in PEO1. All these miRNAs had detectable expression level in plasma samples, among which miR-205-5p proved to be overexpressed in the plasma samples of patients with ovarian tumors compared to healthy controls and possessed an acceptable diagnostic potential with ROC-AUC 0.683 (95% CI 0.57?0.795). Functional annotation clustering of the target genes of miR-205-5p revealed several clusters involved in cancer development. We suggest that miR-205-5p might be a promising biomarker candidate in ovarian cancer that should be further analyzed in larger sample size.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ovarian cancer
liquid biopsy
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 11 : 4 (2021), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Beke-Varga Alexandra Edit (1994-) (molekuláris biológus) Soltész Beáta (1987-) (molekuláris biológus) Penyige András (1954-) (molekuláris genetikus) Lukács János (1975-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, genetikus) Póka Róbert (1960-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, klinikai onkológus) Nagy Bálint (1956-) (molekuláris genetikus) Szilágyi Melinda (1984-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:ÚNKP-20-3
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM097529
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)9838 (Scopus)85117861846 (WOS)000720035400001
Első szerző:Pál Petra (anyagkutató)
Cím:An Investigation of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Different Analytes Adsorbed on Gold Nanoislands / Pál Petra, Bonyár Attila, Veres Miklós, Juhász Laura, Szalóki Melinda, Csarnovics István
Megjegyzések:In this study, metallic nanoislands were prepared by thermal annealing of gold thin film produced by vacuum evaporation on a glass substrate to investigate the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect on them. The influence of the analyte on the enhancement factor of SERS was studied with riboflavin and rhodamine 6G dye. Two laser excitation sources at 532 and 633 nm wavelengths were used for SERS measurements. We found that the enhancement factors of the gold nanoisland SERS substrates were influenced by the analytes' adsorption tendency onto their surfaces. The SERS amplification was also found to be dependent on the electronic structure of the molecules; higher enhancement factors were obtained for rhodamine 6G with 532 nm excitation, while for riboflavin the 633 nm source performed better
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 11 : 21 (2021), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Bonyár Attila Veres Miklós Juhász Laura (1993-) (fizikus) Szalóki Melinda (1981-) (vegyész) Csarnovics István (1986-) (fizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00041
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115818
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)12061 (Scopus)85192353865 (WoS)001100358100001
Első szerző:Szalóki Melinda (vegyész)
Cím:The Surface Free Energy of Resin-Based Composite in Context of Wetting Ability of Dental Adhesives / Melinda Szalóki, Zsófia Szabó, Renáta Martos, Attila Csík, Gergő József Szőllősi, Csaba Hegedűs
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 13 : 21 (2023), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Szabó Zsófia Sára (1989-) Martos Renáta (1975-) (fogszakorvos) Csik Attila (1975-) (fizikus) Szőllősi Gergő József (1991-) (népegészségügyi ellenőr, népegészségügyi szakember) Hegedűs Csaba (1953-) (fogszakorvos)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM089017
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)7742 (Scopus)85095421438 (WOS)000588974200001
Első szerző:Szalóki Melinda (vegyész)
Cím:Evaluation of the Effect of the Microscopic Glass Surface Protonation on the Hard Tissue Thin Section Preparation / Szalóki Melinda, Hegedűs Viktória, Fodor Tamás, Martos Renáta, Radics Tünde, Hegedűs Csaba, Dezső Balázs
Megjegyzések:In this study, a new procedure for mounting tissue blocks was described while cutting and grinding the section remains tightly bound to the inert glass surface both chemically and micro mechanically allowing good quality specimens for staining and microscopic analysis. The micromechanical interlocking was achieved by using of frosted glass, the chemical binding was made with 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate monomer (10-MDP) containing bond material. The glass surface activation was achieved by nitric acid etching and the surface was characterized by zeta potential, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and contact angle measurements. Cylindrical samples were prepared from epoxy embedding materials, cortical bovine bone, and dental titanium to investigate the shear bond strengths (SBS) to microscopic glass slide compared to a routinely used thermoplastic adhesive. Based on the experiments it was found that the micromechanical retention combined with MDP containing bond material improved the SBS data compared to the thermoplastic adhesive. The acid etched glass became positively charged that significantly increased the SBS data of bone and titanium compared with the uncharged version. Therefore, the thickness of the undecalcified bone section with metal can safely reduce to improve histological microscopic analysis.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
microscopic glass surface protonation
nitric acid etching
undecalcified thin bone section
titanium implant
Megjelenés:Applied Sciences-Basel. - 10 : 21 (2020), p. 1-21. -
További szerzők:Hegedűs Viktória (1986-) (fogorvos) Fodor Tamás (1984-) (Ph.D hallgató) Martos Renáta (1975-) (fogszakorvos) Radics Tünde (1963-) (egyetemi adjunktus, fogszakorvos) Hegedűs Csaba (1953-) (fogszakorvos) Dezső Balázs (1951-) (pathológus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2.-15-2016-00011
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