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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104671
035-os BibID:(WOS)000849833500001 (Scopus)85138012200
Első szerző:Angeli, Cserne
Cím:Preparation of 3-O-, 5-O- and N-Palmitoyl Derivatives of Fumonisin B1 Toxin and their Characterisation with NMR and HPLC-HRMS Methods / Cserne Angeli, Tamás Milán Nagy, Levente Horváth, Mónika Varga, András Szekeres, Gábor K. Tóth, Tamás Janáky, János Szolomájer, Melinda Kovács, Katalin E. Kövér, Tibor Bartók
ISSN:1944-0049 1944-0057
Megjegyzések:We have previously published six esterified O-acyl (EFB1) and three N-acyl fumonisin B-1 derivatives extracted from rice cultures inoculated with Fusarium verticillioides, amongst these the identification of N-palmitoyl-FB1 has been clearly established in a spiking experiment. At that time, it was assumed that as in the case of O-acyl-FB1 derivatives, linoleic-, oleic- or palmitic acid esterify through the OH group on the 3C or 5C atom of the carbon chain of the fumonisins. In our most recent experiments, we have synthetically acylated the FB1 toxin and subsequently purified 3-O-palmitoyl- and 5-O-palmitoyl-FB1 toxins in addition to the N-palmitoyl-FB1 toxin. They were identified and characterised using H-1 and C-13 NMR as well as LC-HRMS. Our aim was the identification of the previously detected O-acyl-FB1 derivatives over the course of a spiking experiment, which were obtained through the solid-phase fermentation of Fusarium verticillioides. By spiking the three synthesized and identified components one-by-one into the fungal culture extract and analysing these cultures using LC-MS, it was clearly demonstrated that the F. verticillioides strain produced both the 5-O-palmitoyl-FB1 and N-palmitoyl-FB1 toxins, but did not produce 3-O-palmitoyl-FB1. Thus, it is highly probable that the components thought to be 3-O-acyl-(linoleoyl-, oleoyl-, palmitoyl-) FB1 derivatives in our previous communication are presumably 10-O-acyl-FB1 derivatives. Since these acylated FB1 derivatives can occur naturally in e.g. maize, the use of these synthesized components as reference materials is of great importance in order to obtain accurate qualitative and quantitative data on the occurrence of acylated fumonisins in different matrices including maize based feed samples. The production of these substances has also made it possible to test their toxicity in cell culture and small animal experiments.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
fumonisin B1
acylated fumonisin
hidden fumonisin
Megjelenés:Food Additives and Contaminants Part A - Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment. - 39 : 10 (2022), p. 1759-1771. -
További szerzők:Nagy Tamás Milán (1993-) (vegyész, nmr) Horváth Levente Varga Mónika Szekeres András Tóth Gábor K. Janáky Tamás Szolomájer János Kovács Melinda Kövér Katalin, E. (1956-2023) (vegyész) Bartók Tibor
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00046
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM067601
035-os BibID:(WoS)000364248900030 (Scopus)84939163880
Első szerző:Homoki Judit (biológus)
Cím:Anthocyanin composition, antioxidant efficiency, and alpha-amylase inhibitor activity of different Hungarian sour cherry varieties (Prunus cerasus L.) / Judit R. Homoki, Andrea Nemes, Erika Fazekas, Gyöngyi Gyémánt, Péter Balogh, Ferenc Gál, Jamil Al-Asri, Jérémie Mortier, Gerhard Wolber, László Babinszky, Judit Remenyik
Megjegyzések:Five Hungarian sour cherry cultivars were studied to determine their anthocyanin contents and their possible inhibitory properties. The water and methanol soluble antioxidant capacities were separately assessed by photoluminescence showing values ranged from 3.4 ?g mg?1 to 15.4 ?g mg?1, respectively. The ?VN1" variety (selected from Csengődi csokros") showed the highest antioxidant capacity. The anthocyanin content, measured by pH differential method or isolated by solid phase extraction, was the highest also in ?VN1". Correlation was found between the anthocyanin content and the high antioxidant capacity. The main anthocyanin components were cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. The presence of malvidin-3,5-O-diglycoside was verified by MALDI-TOF MS. Sour cherry extracts and selected anthocyanins inhibited the human salivary alpha-amylase catalyzed hydrolysis competitively. The lowest IC50 value, 55 ?g mL?1 or 80 ?M, was measured for malvidin-3,5-O-diglycoside, for which possible binding modes within the alpha-amylase active site could be investigated in silico using molecular docking and molecular dynamics.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Sour cherry
Human salivary alpha-amylase
Megjelenés:Food Chemistry. - 194 : 1 (2016), p. 222-229. -
További szerzők:Kun-Nemes Andrea (1983-) (okleveles élelmiszermérnök) Fazekas Erika (1985-) (kémikus) Gyémánt Gyöngyi (1960-) (vegyész) Balogh Péter (1970-) (agrármérnök) Gál Ferenc (1964-) (élelmiszertechnológia) Al-Asri, Jamil Mortier, Jérémie Wolber, Gerhard Babinszky László (1950-) (agrár) Gálné Remenyik Judit (1965-) (kémia tanár, okleveles vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088078
Első szerző:Kecskeméti Ádám (vegyész)
Cím:Analysis of fumonisin mycotoxins with capillary electrophoresis : mass spectrometry / Kecskeméti Ádám, Nagy Cynthia, Biró Patrícia, Szabó Zsuzsa, Pócsi István, Bartók Tibor, Gáspár Attila
ISSN:1944-0049 1944-0057
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Food Additives and Contaminants Part A - Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment. - 37 : 9 (2020), p. 1553-1563. -
További szerzők:Nagy Cynthia (1994-) Biró Patrícia Szabó Zsuzsa (1990-) (kémikus) Pócsi István (1961-) (vegyész) Bartók Tibor Gáspár Attila (1970-) (vegyész, kémikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00008
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003022
Első szerző:Kovács Róbert
Cím:Investigation of chromium content in foodstuffs and nutrition supplements by GFAAS and determination of changing Cr(III) to Cr(VI) during baking and toasting bread / Róbert Kovács, Áron Béni, Roland Karosi, Csilla Sógor, József Posta
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Food Chemistry. - 105 : 3 (2007), p. 1209-1213. -
További szerzők:Béni Áron (1978-) (vegyész) Karosi Roland (1981-) (környezettudós) Sógor Csilla (1956-) (vegyészmérnök) Posta József (1948-) (vegyész, analitikus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM080005
035-os BibID:(WoS)000472679000023 (Scopus)85067462875
Első szerző:Kun Sándor (vegyész)
Cím:Glucopyranosylidene-spiro-benzo[b][1,4]oxazinones and -benzo[b][1,4]thiazinones : Synthesis and Investigation of Their Effects on Glycogen Phosphorylase and Plant Growth Inhibition / Sándor Kun, Nándor Kánya, Norbert Galó, András Páhi, Attila Mándi, Tibor Kurtán, Péter Makleit, Szilvia Veres, Ádám Sipos, Tibor Docsa, László Somsák
Megjegyzések:Glucopyranosylidene-spiro-benzo[b][1,4]oxazinones were obtained via the corresponding 2-nitrophenyl glycosides obtained by two methods: (a) AgOTf-promoted glycosylation of 2-nitrophenol derivatives by O-perbenzoylated methyl (?-D-gluculopyranosyl bromide)heptonate or (b) Mitsunobu-type reactions of O-perbenzoylated methyl (?-Dgluculopyranose) heptonate with bulky 2-nitrophenols in the presence of diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD) and PPh3. Catalytic hydrogenation (H2?Pd/C) or partial reduction (e.g., H2?Pd/C, pyridine) of the 2-nitro groups led to spirobenzo[b][1,4]oxazinones and spiro-benzo[b][1,4]-4-hydroxyoxazinones by spontaneous ring closure of the intermediate 2-aminophenyl or 2-hydroxylamino glycosides, respectively. The analogous 2-aminophenyl thioglycosides, prepared by reactions of O-perbenzoylated methyl (?-D-gluculopyranosyl bromide)heptonate with 2-aminothiophenols, were cyclized in m-xylene at reflux temperature to the corresponding spiro-benzo[b][1,4]thiazinones. O-Debenzoylation was effected by Zemple?n transesterification in both series. Spiro-configurations were determined by NMR and electronic circular dichroism timedependent density functional theory (ECD-TDDFT) methods. Inhibition assays with rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b showed (1·R)-spiro{1·,5·-anhydro-D-glucitol-1·,2-benzo[b][1,4]oxazin-3(4H)-one} and (1·R)-spiro{1·,5·-anhydro-D-glucitol-1·,2-benzo[b][1,4]thiazin-3(4H)-one} to be the most efficient inhibitors (27 and 28% inhibition at 625 ?M, respectively). Plant growth tests with white mustard and garden cress indicated no effect except for (1·R)-4-hydroxyspiro{1·,5·-anhydro-D-glucitol-1·,2-benzo[b][1,4]oxazin-3(4H)-one} with the latter plant to show modest inhibition of germination (95% relative to control).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
anomeric spirocycle
glycogen phosphorylase
plant germination
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - 67 : 24 (2019), p. 6884-6891. -
További szerzők:Kánya Nándor (1991-) (vegyészmérnök) Galó Norbert Páhi András (1984-) (vegyész) Mándi Attila (1981-) (vegyész, német szakfordító) Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Makleit Péter (1966-) (növényélettanász) Veres Szilvia (1972-) (biológus, biológia középiskolai tanár, angol-magyar szakfordító) Sipos Ádám (1992-) (gyógyszerész) Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH PD121406
NKFIH PD121020
NKFIH K120181
NKFIH K109450
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM068517
035-os BibID:(WoS)000395493500011 (Scopus)85014217531
Első szerző:Li, Xiao-Lu
Cím:Structural and stereochemical studies of laurokamurols A-C, uncommon Bis-sesquiterpenoids from the Chinese Red Alga Laurencia okamurai Yamada / Xiao-Lu Li, Tibor Kurtán, Jun-Chi Hu, Attila Mándi, Jia Li, Xu-Wen Li, Yue-Wei Guo
Megjegyzések:Three novel heterodimeric laurane-type sesquiterpenoids, laurokamurols A?C (1?3), along with eight known related monomeric ones (4?11) were isolated from the East China Sea red alga Laurencia okamurai Yamada. The absolute configurations of the new bis-sesquitepenoids, especially their axial chirality, were determined by extensive spectroscopic analyses and TDDFT-ECD method. All of the new compounds showed promising PTP1B inhibitory activities with IC50 values comparable to the positive control, indicating them as potential food additives or pharmaceutical drug leads toward obesity or diabetes.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
red alga
axial chirality
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - 65 : 8 (2017), p. 1550-1555. -
További szerzők:Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Hu, Jun-Chi Mándi Attila (1981-) (vegyész, német szakfordító) Li, Jia Li, Xu-Wen Guo, Yue-Wei
Pályázati támogatás:NIIFI 10038
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM060430
Első szerző:Turcsi Erika
Cím:Isolation of β-Cryptoxanthin-epoxides, Precursors of Cryptocapsin and 3·-Deoxycapsanthin, from Red Mamey (Pouteria sapota) / Erika Turcsi, Enrique Murillo, Tibor Kurtán, Ádám Szappanos, Tünde-Zita Illyés, Gergely Gulyas-Fekete, Attila Agocs, Peter Avar, Jozsef Deli
Megjegyzések:From an extract of red mamey (Pouteria sapota) β-Cryptoxanthin-epoxides, β-Cryptoxanthin-5',6'-epoxide, 3'-deoxycapsanthin, and cryptocapsin were isolated and characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, electronic circular dichroism (ECD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry (MS). Epoxidation of β-Cryptoxanthin delivered the ?-(5'R,6'S)- and (5'S,6'R)-cryptoxanthin-5',6'-epoxides, which were identified by HPLC-ECD analysis. These carotenoids among others are quite common in the fruits of Central America, and as they are natural provitamins A, they should play an important role in the diet of the mostly vitamin A deficient population of this region.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
tropical fruit
HPLC-ECD analysis
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry. - 63 : 26 (2015), p. 6059-6065. -
További szerzők:Murillo, Enrique Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Szappanos Ádám (1989-) (vegyész) Illyés Tünde Zita (1970-) (kémia-fizika szakos tanár) Gulyás-Fekete Gergely Agócs Attila Avar Péter Deli József
Pályázati támogatás:K 83898, 105871, 105459, 115931
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114612
035-os BibID:(WoS)001026992900001 (Scopus)85165695315
Első szerző:Wang, Lin
Cím:Asperphenalenones Isolated from the Biocontrol Agent Clonostachys rosea and Their Antimicrobial Activities / Lin Wang, Anna-Lene Kiffe-Delf, Philipp Niklas Ostermann, Viktor Emanuel Simons, Di He, Ying Gao, Lasse van Geelen, Hao-Fu Dai, You-Xing Zhao, Heiner Schaal, Attila Mándi, Sándor Balázs Király, Tibor Kurtán, Zhen Liu, and Rainer Kalscheuer
Megjegyzések:Clonostachys rosea is a fungus widely distributed on Earth and has a high capacity to adapt to complex environments in soil, plants, or sea. It is an endophyte that can be used as a potential biocontrol agent to protect plants from pathogenic fungi, nematodes, and insects. However, the spectrum of secondary metabolites produced by C. rosea has only scarcely been studied. In the present study, eight new phenalenones, asperphenalenones F-M (1-8), together with two known derivatives, asperphenalenones E and B (9 and 10), were isolated from the axenic rice culture of this fungus. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by nuclear magnetic resonance, high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, electronic circular dichroism, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses. Asperphenalenones J-M (5-8) are unusual phenalenone adducts that are conjugated to diterpenoid glycosides. Asperphenalenones F and H showed moderate antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 12.5 and 25 ?M, respectively. Asperphenalenone B exhibited low antiviral activity against the human immunodeficiency virus replication. Furthermore, asperphenalenones F and H exhibited low cytotoxicity against Jurkat cells, while all other compounds were devoid of cytotoxicity.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Clonostachys rosea
antibacterial activity
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
anti-HIV activity
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - 71 : 29 (2023), p. 11056-11068. -
További szerzők:Kiffe-Delf, Anna-Lene Ostermann, Philipp Niklas Simons, Viktor Emanuel He, Di Gao, Ying van Geelen, Lasse Dai, Haofu Zhao, You-Xing Schaal, Heiner Mándi Attila (1981-) (vegyész, német szakfordító) Király Sándor Balázs (1991-) (vegyész) Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Liu, Zhen Kalscheuer, Rainer
Pályázati támogatás:K138672
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120591
035-os BibID:(WoS)001189155600001 (Scopus)85188428368
Első szerző:Wennrich, Jan-Peer
Cím:Omnipolyphilins A and B: Chlorinated Cyclotetrapeptides and Naphtho-α-pyranones from the Plant Nematode-Derived Fungus Polyphilus sieberi / Jan-Peer Wennrich, Sherif S. Ebada, Ellen Sepanian, Caren Holzenkamp, Syeda J. Khalid, Hedda Schrey, Wolfgang Maier, Attila Mándi, Tibor Kurtán, Samad Ashrafi, and Marc Stadler
Megjegyzések:Chemical exploration for two isolates of the recently described ascomycete species Polyphilussieberi, derived from the eggs of the plant parasitic nematode Heterodera filipjevi, afforded the identification of many compounds that belong to various metabolite families: two previously undescribed chlorinated cyclotetrapeptides, omnipolyphilins A (1) and B (2), one new pyranonaphthoquinone, ventiloquinone P (3), a 6,6 '-binaphto-alpha-pyranone dimer, talaroderxine D (4) in addition to nine known metabolites (5-13) were isolated from this biocontrol candidate. All isolated compounds were characterized by comprehensive 1D, 2D NMR, and HR-ESI-MS analyses. The absolute configurations of the cyclotetrapeptides were determined by a combination of advanced Marfey's method, ROE correlation aided by conformational analysis, and TDDFT-ECD calculations, while ECD calculations, Mosher's method, and experimental ECD spectra were used for ventiloquinone P (3) and talaroderxine D (4). Among the isolated compounds, talaroderxine D (4) showed potent antimicrobial activities against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus with MIC values of 2.1 and 8.3 mu g mL(-1), respectively. Additionally, promising inhibitory effects on talaroderxine D (4) against the formation of S. aureus biofilms were observed up to a concentration of 0.25 mu g mL(-1). Moreover, ophiocordylongiiside A (10) showed activity against the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - 72 : 13 (2024), p. 6998-7009. -
További szerzők:Ebada, Sherif Saeed Sepanian, Ellen Holzenkamp, Caren Khalid, Syeda J. Schrey, Hedda Maier, Wolfgang Mándi Attila (1981-) (vegyész, német szakfordító) Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Ashrafi, Samad Stadler, Marc
Pályázati támogatás:K138672
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