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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072051
Első szerző:Korponay-Szabó Ilma (gyermekgyógyász)
Cím:Adaptive diagnosis of coeliac disease / Korponay-Szabó Ilma R., Troncone Riccardo, Discepolo Valentina
Megjegyzések:Coeliac disease has for a long time simply been regarded as a gluten-dependent enteropathy and a duodenal biopsy was required in all patients for the diagnosis. It is now accepted that autoimmunity against transglutaminase 2 is an earlier, more universal and more specific feature of coeliac disease than histologic lesions. Moreover, high serum levels of combined anti-transglutaminase 2 and anti-endomysium antibody positivity have excellent predictive value for the presence of enteropathy with villous atrophy. This makes the histology evaluation of the gut no longer necessary in well defined symptomatic paediatric patients with compatible HLA-DQ2 and/or DQ8 background. The biopsy-sparing diagnostic route is not yet recommended by gastroenterologists for adults, and certain clinical circumstances (immunodeficiency conditions, extraintestinal manifestations, type-1 diabetes mellitus, age less than 2 years) may require modified diagnostic approaches. Coeliac patients with preserved duodenal villous structure do exist and these need a more extended evaluation by immunologic and molecular biology tools.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Best Practice & Research In Clinical Gastroenterology 29 : 3 (2015), p. 381-398. -
További szerzők:Troncone, Riccardo Discepolo, Valentina
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM051016
035-os BibID:Article ID: 904307
Első szerző:Müller Katalin Eszter
Cím:Incidence and Paris Classification of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease / Katalin Eszter Müller, Péter László Lakatos, Mária Papp, Gábor Veres
ISSN:1687-6121 1687-630X
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Gastroenterology Research and Practice. - 2014 (2014), [10] p. -
További szerzők:Lakatos Péter (Semmelweis Egyetem) Papp Mária (1975-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Veres Gábor (orvos)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037073
Első szerző:Rácz István (orvos Győr)
Cím:Management of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding in Different Case Volume Workplaces: Results of a Nationwide Inquiry in Hungary / Rácz István, Kárász Tibor, Lukács Krisztina, Rácz Ferenc, Kersák János, Wacha Judit, Szalóki Tibor, Szász Magdolna, Gyenes István, Altorjay István
Megjegyzések:The aim of this study was to conduct a national survey to evaluate the recent endoscopic treatment and drug therapy of pepticulcer bleeding (PUB) patients and to compare practices in high and low case volume Hungarian workplaces. A total of 62gastroenterology units participated in the six-month study. A total of 3033 PUB cases and a mean of 8.15 ? 3.9 PUB cases permonth per unit were reported. In the 23 high case volume units (HCV), there was a mean of 12.9?5.4 PUB cases/month, whereasin the 39 low case volume units (LCV), a mean of 5.3 ? 2.9 PUB cases/month were treated during the study period. In HCVunits, endoscopic therapies for Forrest Ia, Ib, and IIa ulcers were significantly more often used than in LCV units (86% versus68%; P = 0.001). Among patients with stigmata of recent haemorrhage (Forrest I, II), bolus + continuous infusion PPI was givensignificantly more frequently in HCV than in LCV units (49.6% versus 33.2%; P = 0.001).Mortality in HCV units was less than inLCV units (2.7% versus 4.3%; P = 0.023). The penetration of evidence-based recommendations for PUB management is strongerin HCV units resulting lower mortality.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
peptic ulcer bleeding
high case volume units
LCV units
Megjelenés:Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2012 (2012), p. Article ID 956434. -
További szerzők:Kárász Tibor Lukács Krisztina Rácz Ferenc Kersák János Wacha Judit Szalóki Tibor Szász Magdolna Gyenes István Altorjay István (1954-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus, onkológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096507
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)9370397
Első szerző:Riznik, Petra
Cím:The Use of Biopsy and "No-Biopsy" Approach for Diagnosing Paediatric Coeliac Disease in the Central European Region / Riznik Petra, Balogh Márta, Bódi Piroska, De Leo Luigina, Dolinsek Jasmina, Guthy Ildikó, Gyimesi Judit, Horváth Ágnes, Kis Ildikó, Klemenak Martina, Koletzko Berthold, Koletzko Sibylle, Korponay-Szabó Ilma Rita, Krencnik Tomaz, Not Tarcisio, Palcevski Goran, Pollák Éva, Sblattero Daniele, Tokodi István, Vogrincic Matej, Werkstetter Katharina Julia, Dolinsek Jernej
ISSN:1687-6121 1687-630X
Megjegyzések:Objectives: The current European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guidelines introduced the option to diagnose coeliac disease (CD) in children and adolescents without upper endoscopy if the defined criteria are met. The aim of our study was to evaluate how frequently paediatric gastroenterologists in Central Europe used the "no-biopsy" approach and how often the duodenal biopsy could have been omitted. Methods: Medical records of patients aged < 19 years diagnosed with CD in 2016 from five European countries were analysed, focusing on levels of transglutaminase antibodies (TGA) at the time of diagnosis and on whether the diagnosis was confirmed using duodenal biopsy or "no-biopsy" approach. Clinical presentation and delays until final diagnosis were analysed according to diagnostic approach. Results: Data from 653 children (63.9% female, median age: 7 years, range: 7 months-18.5 years) from Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia were analysed. One fifth (n = 134) of included children were asymptomatic at diagnosis. Of 519 symptomatic children, 107 (20.6%) were diagnosed by the "no-biopsy" approach. Out of the remaining 412 children who underwent duodenal biopsies, 214 (51.9%) had TGA ? 10 times upper level of normal (ULN) and would have been eligible for the "no-biopsy" approach. Signs and symptoms of malabsorption were more frequent in children diagnosed without duodenal biopsies. There were no differences in diagnostic delays with respect to the diagnostic approach. Conclusion: In this cohort, about 60% of symptomatic CD patients could have been diagnosed without duodenal biopsies. The aim of the "no-biopsy" approach was to make the diagnostic procedure less challenging without compromising its reliability. However, this option was applied only in 20%, in spite of fewer burdens to the family and reduced costs. The reasons for this discrepancy are unknown. Physicians should be made more aware about the reliability of CD diagnosis without biopsies when the ESPGHAN guidelines for CD diagnosis are followed
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
coeliac disease
Megjelenés:Gastroenterology Research And Practice. - 2019 (2019), p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Balogh Márta Bodi Piroska De Leo, Luigina Dolinsek, Jasmina Guthy Ildikó Gyimesi Judit Horváth Ágnes (Veszprém) Kis Ildikó Klemenak, Martina Koletzko, Berthold Koletzko, Sibylle Korponay-Szabó Ilma (1959-) (gyermekgyógyász) Krencnik, Tomaz Not, Tarcisio Palcevski, Goran Pollák Éva Sblattero, Daniele Tokodi István Vogrincic, Matej Werkstetter, Katharina (gyermekgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Dolinśek, Jernej
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH 120392
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