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001-es BibID:BIBFORM030126
Első szerző:Clemens Béla (neurológus)
Cím:EEG-LORETA endophenotypes of the common idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndromes / B. Clemens, Sz. Puskás, M. Besenyei, M. Emri, G. Opposits, S. A. Kis, K. Hollódy, A. Fogarasi, I. Kondákór, K. Füle, K. Bense, I. Fekete
Megjegyzések:We tested the hypothesis that the cortical areas with abnormal local EEG synchronization are dissimilar in the three common idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) phenotypes: IGE patients with absence seizures (ABS), juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures exclusively (EGTCS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Groups of unmedicated ABS, JME and EGTCS patients were investigated. Waking EEG background activity (without any epileptiform potentials) was analyzed by a source localization method, LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography). Each patient group was compared to a separate, age-matched group of healthy control persons. Voxel-based, normalized broad-band (delta, theta, alpha, and beta) and very narrow band (VNB, 1Hz bandwidth, from 1 to 25Hz) LORETA activity (=current source density, A/m(2)) were computed for each person. Group comparison included subtraction (average patient data minus average control data) and group statistics (multiple t-tests, where Bonferroni-corrected p<0.05 values were accepted as statistically significant). RESULTS: Statistically not significant main findings were: overall increased delta and theta broad band activity in the ABS and JME groups; decrease of alpha and beta activity in the EGTCS group. Statistically significant main findings were as follows. JME group: bilaterally increased theta activity in posterior (temporal, parietal, and occipital) cortical areas; bilaterally increased activity in the medial and basal prefrontal area in the 8Hz VNB; bilaterally decreased activity in the precuneus, posterior cingulate and superior parietal lobule in the 11Hz and 21-22Hz VNBs. ABS group: bilaterally increased theta activity emerged in the basal prefrontal and medial temporal limbic areas. Decreased activity was found at 19-21Hz in the right postcentral gyrus and parts of the right superior and medial temporal gyri. EGTCS group: decreased activity was found in the frontal cortex and the postcentral gyrus at 10-11Hz, increased activity in the right parahippocampal gyrus at 16-18Hz. DISCUSSION: Increased theta activity in the posterior parts of the cortex is the endophenotype for JME. Increased theta activity in the fronto-temporal limbic areas is the endophenotype for ABS. Statistically not significant findings might indicate diffuse biochemical abnormality of the cortex in JME and ABS.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Epilepsy Research. - 99 : 3 (2012), p. 281-292. -
További szerzők:Puskás Szilvia (1979-) (neurológus) Bessenyei Mónika (1970-) (neurológus, csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus) Opposits Gábor (1974-) (fizikus, szoftver fejlesztő) Kis Sándor Attila (1973-) (fizikus) Hollódy Katalin (1955-) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) Fogarasi András Kondákor István (1950-) (neurológus) Füle K. Bense Katalin Fekete István (1951-) (neurológus, pszichiáter)
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