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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112773
Első szerző:Bagi Zoltán (természetvédelmi mérnök, állatgenetika)
Cím:Examination of the genetic resources of Hungarian pigeon breeding / Zoltán Bagi, Katalin Balog, Al-Sallami Ali Salah Wadday, Lakhmi Chand Menghwar, Szilvia Kusza
Megjegyzések:Pigeon is one of the oldest domesticated animal species used by mankind in many ways. Pigeon breeding has a long tradition in Hungary. In the past, the country was a leading producer of pigeon production, but in the last decades it has declined significantly, flocks have been radically reduced. In 2018, the National Squab Pigeon Programme was started, with the aim of refresh the domestic sector and re-establishing export markets. There has been no previous study of Hungarian house pigeon populations using molecular genetic methods. Therefore our aim to support the National Squab Pigeon Programme with molecular genetic tools. This includes the assessment of the genetic diversity of native pigeon breeds and modern commodity-producing hybrid flocks, the characterization of their genetic structure and phylogenetic relations. For this, we use traditional (e.g. microsatellites, mitochondrial markers) and methods considered novel in the species (e.g. KASP-PCR, SNP array). Several studies in our group aim to the above goals, furthermore may identify novel SNPs that may be responsible for better product quality and more economical production of squab pigeons. These results may give basic information to gene conservation programs and increase our knowledge on the genetic background of squab pigeon breeding. This work was supported by the bilateral S&T cooperation programme, within the project "Genetic characterization of native sheep in Carpathian basin and Morocco as a potential factor for climate change adaptation" from the National Development, Research and Innovation Fund (2021-1.2.4-TÉT-2021-00014).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:International seminar on the conservation of animal genetic resources / [eds.] Mohammed Regragui, Ahmed El Aboudi, Bouabid Badaoui. - p. 6.
További szerzők:Balog Katalin (1998-) (állatgenetika) Wadday, Al-Sallami Ali Salah Menghwar, Lakhmi Chand Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:2021-1.2.4-TÉT-2021-00014
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat


001-es BibID:BIBFORM112195
Első szerző:Balog Katalin (állatgenetika)
Cím:Investigating the genetic diversity of squab pigeon breeds using mitochondrial DNA COI region / Katalin Balog; Lakhmi Chand Menghwar; Shanza Javaid; Szilvia Kusza; Zoltán Bagi
Megjegyzések:Pigeon breeding is a long-established activity, with archaeological and written evidence dating back thousands of years. Hungarian pigeon breeding has been influenced from several directions in the past, as several trade routes crossed the historical Hungary. Therefore, the ancestors of today's breeds probably originate partly from the East and partly from the West. The Turkish conquest left a large number of diverse pigeon breeds in Hungary, and pigeons from Russia also arrived in the Carpathian Basin through Polish mediation. Pigeons were introduced from the West thanks to Danube sailors. In this study, the results of analyses of the mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) COI region of the Hungarian Giant House Pigeon (n=5), Hungarian Cropper (n=5), Buga pigeon (n=5), Giant Salonta (n=5), King (n=5), Mondain (n=5) at 540 bp are presented. Runt pigeon (n=5) was used as an outgroup. During the study, we analysed diversity indexes, haplotype distributions, the number of polymorphisms, and nucleotide frequency values. The genetic relationship between the haplotypes of the breeds is presented on the phylogenetic tree constructed based on the Neighbour-Joining clustering method. A total of 35 haplotypes were identified in the populations studied. Nucleotide diversity (?) was 0.2889+/- 0.0395 (Hungarian breeds) and (?) 0,3364+/- 0.0333 (Squab breeds). Our results help to reveal the extent to which populations are genetically uniform, and to what extent they are separated from each other. These data can also be used in practice, we can provide information for producers and lay the foundation for gene conservation and breeding work, which will benefit the sector in the long term.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Book of abstract : Multidisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development : 25-26 May 2023 : Section : Animal Resources Bioengineering. - p. 21-22. -
További szerzők:Menghwar, Lakhmi Chand Javaid, Shanza Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök) Bagi Zoltán (1987-) (természetvédelmi mérnök, állatgenetika)
Pályázati támogatás:Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium ÚNKP-22-3-1 Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Program Nemzeti Kutatásfejlesztési és Innovációs Program
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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