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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114348
035-os BibID:(Scopus)0030616438 (WoS)A1997XE25800003
Első szerző:Issa, Salah
Cím:Potential dissipation of atrazine in the soil unsaturated zone: A comparative study in four European countries / Salah Issa; Martin Wood; Luc Pussemier; Vincent Vanderheyden; Catherine Douka; Spyros Vizantinopoulos; Zoltan Gyori; Maria Borbely; Janos Katai
Megjegyzések:A European-wide project has been undertaken to establish the poten- tial for dissipation of atrazine in the soil subsurface environment. Samples were obtained, avoiding contamination, in four countries (Belgium, Greece, Hungary and UK) and laboratory studies carried out. In order to make comparisons between results from each laboratory, a ring experiment was carried out using common methodology for sampling, extraction and analytical techniques. Subsurface materials from each country were distributed to the other coun- tries. Atrazine dissipation was determined in each country for all materials under the same laboratory conditions. The results of this comparative study showed generally good agreement between all laboratories. Signi?cant potential micro- biological dissipation was detected in certain samples. Where diŒerences occurred between laboratories this was attributed to small, spatially heter- ogeneous microbial populations in the subsurface materials
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ring test
Megjelenés:Pesticide Science. - 50 (1997), p. 99-103. -
További szerzők:Wood, Martin Pussemier, Luc Vanderheyden, Vincent Douka, Catherine Vizantinopoulos, Spyros Győri Zoltán (1948-) (vegyész) Borbélyné Varga Mária (1952-) (vegyész) Kátai János (1950-) (biológus, hidrobiológus)
Internet cím:DOI
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