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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115655
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)17691 (WoS)001086802300034 (Scopus)85174462262
Első szerző:Fazekas Lilla Dorottya biológus
Cím:Acute effects of angler's groundbaits : nutrient flux to water column / Dorottya Lilla Fazekas, László Antal, Béla Halasi-Kovács, Maciej Kwiatkowski, Flórián Tóth, András Specziár, Attila Mozsár
Megjegyzések:Although ground-baiting related nutrient loading has been widely studied, we do not know what proportion of these nutrients release into the water column, affecting primary production directly. We conducted short-term (24-h, 5-day) experiments at wide temperature range, in presence and absence of fish using fish meal-based (FM-GB) and plant-based groundbait (PB-GB), to assess the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fluxes from GB into the water column. Nitrogen release from unconsumed FM-GB was negligible in the first 3 days, then increased abruptly, releasing 32% of its total N content by the fifth day. In contrast, PB-GB acted as temporary sink for inorganic N forms. Considerable (18?21%) inorganic P release was observed in both GB types in the first twelve hours. Consumed GBs induced considerable inorganic N release and its rate increased with temperature. Particulate forms predominated the released N in PB-GB, suggesting impaired digestion. Phosphorus?dominated by particulate forms?release was similar or lower than in unconsumed GB. Based on our results, excessive use of GB?when high amount of it remains unconsumed?can enhance eutrophication in P-limited ecosystems. Although less digestible GBs may have less abrupt effect on the primary production, undigested nutrients remain unavailable for removal through fish harvest.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Scientific Reports. - 13 : 1 (2023), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Antal László (1984-) (hidrobiológus, biológus-ökológus) Halasi-Kovács Béla (1970-) (ökológus) Kwiatkowski, Maciej Tóth Flórián Specziár András Mozsár Attila (1987-) (környezetkutató, ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:RRF2.3.1 21-2022-00008
NP2022- II3/2022
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120061
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e07124 (WOS)001193227000001
Első szerző:Lovas-Kiss Ádám (biológus, botanikus)
Cím:Bird-mediated endozoochory as a potential dispersal mechanism of bony fishes / Ádám Lovas-Kiss, László Antal, Attila Mozsár, Krisztián Nyeste, Dóra Somogyi, Balázs Kiss, Richárd Tóth, Flórián Tóth, Dorottya Lilla Fazekas, Zoltán Vitál, Béla Halasi-Kovács, Pál Tóth, Nándor Szabó, Viktor Löki, Orsolya Vincze, Balázs András Lukács
Megjegyzések:The dispersal of fish into distant and isolated habitats remains a topic of continuous discussion in the field of fish biogeography. This is particularly relevant due to the perceived limitation of fish movement to what is known as active dispersal. Fish migration is often confined to interconnected water bodies, underscoring the significance of dispersal for fish inhabiting isolated aquatic habitats. However, empirical evidence for a natural (i.e. not human-mediated) mechanism has been limited. Here we explore and provide evidence for waterbird-mediated endozoochory as a possible dispersal mechanism in various fish species and families. We force-fed mallards Anas plathyrynchos with fertilised eggs of nine bony fish species, covering nine taxonomic families. We recovered viable embryos of five fish taxa in the faeces of mallard, proving the ability of fish eggs to survive the passing of the digestive system of waterbirds. Moreover, the recovered eggs successfully hatched into larvae in two fish species. Taking into the flight speed and numerosity of mallards, as well as the high abundance of fish eggs, our results highlight endozoochory of fish eggs by waterbirds as a possible significant, although likely rare natural dispersal mechanism that can occur across more species than previously known in freshwater fish.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
bony fish,
fish dispersal
Megjelenés:Ecography. - (2024), p. 1-4. -
További szerzők:Antal László (1984-) (hidrobiológus, biológus-ökológus) Mozsár Attila (1987-) (környezetkutató, ökológus) Nyeste Krisztián József (1993-) (hidrobiológus) Somogyi Dóra (1996-) (hidrobiológus) Kiss Balázs (1980-) Tóth Richárd Tóth Flórián Fazekas Dorottya Vitál Zoltán (1986-) (hidrobiológus) Halasi-Kovács Béla (1970-) (ökológus) Tóth Pál Szabó Nándor (biológus) Löki Viktor (1989-) (biológus) Vincze Orsolya (1988-) (biológus) Lukács Balázs András (1979-) (ökológus)
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