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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101757
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1207 (WoS)000794753400001 (Scopus)85129394186
Első szerző:Kövér László (városökológia, városi vadgazdálkodás)
Cím:Is the Hitchcock Story Really True? Public Opinion on Hooded Crows in Cities as Input to Management / László Kövér, Petra Paládi, Isma Benmazouz, Andrej Šorgo, Natalija Špur, Lajos Juhász, Péter Czine, Péter Balogh, Szabolcs Lengyel
Megjegyzések:Simple Summary Human-wildlife conflicts are a novel topic in urban environments. The recent increase in hooded crows in cities across Europe has increased the frequency of such conflicts, and in some places, the control of crow populations has become a necessity and a hotly debated issue. We surveyed the attitude of people towards hooded crows using an online questionnaire developed to assess their knowledge of crows and which control method is acceptable to most people in Hungary. Many respondents had experience with hooded crows and agreed that their high numbers can cause problems. Most people expressed their willingness to learn about the crows and their management yet did not wish to get directly involved in management activities, which they believed should be the responsibility of professionals. In addition, most people supported the use of non-invasive or less harmful control methods and opposed more intrusive or destructive ones. These results clearly express the difficulty in identifying the most suitable and tolerable way to manage urban crow populations and thus address emerging human-wildlife conflicts in urban environments. In recent years, the Hooded crow (Corvus cornix) has become one of the most successful wild bird species in urban environments across Europe. Hooded crows can cause several problems in cities, including trash scattering, noise disturbance, and aggressive behavior toward humans or pets, and they can be potential vectors of pathogens. To find effective solutions, the public has to be involved in the decision-making process in urban planning management, managed by the city administration. In this study, we surveyed the attitude of people in Hungary towards crows and crow management by collecting information using an online questionnaire containing 65 questions published in 14 Facebook groups. We found that many people were familiar with corvid species and had personal experience with them. In most cases, these experiences were not negative, so the crows were not or only rarely perceived to cause problems to people, such as aggressive behavior, damage to cars or stealing something. Most respondents recognized that the presence of large numbers of hooded crows is a problem to be solved and acknowledged that they do not know how to resolve it. The majority of people expressed their interest in raising public awareness of crows but not in their management actions, which they believe should be implemented by experts. Most respondents preferred passive, harmless methods. More direct methods such as egg/chick removal from the nest, control by trapping, poisoned baits or firearms, or oral contraceptives were the least acceptable. These results express the difficulty in identifying a control method for managing hooded crow populations that is both acceptable to most people and effective at the same time. This study demonstrates the importance of involving public opinion in wildlife management and providing more information to citizens to reduce human-crow conflicts.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Erdészeti és vadgazdálkodási tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Animals. - 12 : 9 (2022), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:Paládi Petra (1995-) Benmazouz, Isma (1992-) (veterinarian) Šorgo, Andrej Špur, Natalija Juhász Lajos (1956-) (biológia-földrajz szakos tanár) Czine Péter (1994-) (közgazdász) Balogh Péter (1970-) (agrármérnök) Lengyel Szabolcs (1971-) (biológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM057120
035-os BibID:(Scopus)84908592530 (WoS)000346540600007
Első szerző:Kövér László (városökológia, városi vadgazdálkodás)
Cím:Recent colonization and nest site selection of the Hooded Crow (Corvus corone cornix L.) in an urban environment / László Kövér, Péter Gyüre, Péter Balogh, Falk Huettmann, Szabolcs Lengyel, Lajos Juhász
ISSN:0169-2046 1872-6062
Megjegyzések:The adjustment of Hooded Crows (Corvus corone cornix L.) to urban habitats has been ongoing in many European cities in the past decades, yet its causes and mechanisms remain largely unknown. The aims of this study were to study the colonization process and the nest site selection of this species in the city of Debrecen, Hungary. During seven years of our study (2006-2012), we localized 231 crow nests on 18 different tree species. The city area used for nesting and both the number and density of nests increased continuously. Crows avoided closed forests and built-up areas and had highest nesting densities in open forested areas, parks and tree rows. Hooded Crows preferred to nest high up on oaks (especially under mistletoes), pines and poplars. Crows built their nests higher in trees in the city than in rural areas and relatively higher in habitats with shorter trees and in conifers than in deciduous trees. Although the increasing use of less-preferred tree species and lower nesting heights indicated that pairs have recently started to use suboptimal nest sites, we detected no sign of saturation of the city nesting population. Our results identified preferences but also confirmed flexibility in nest site selection, which may explain why the Hooded Crow is a successful colonizer of urban habitats. We expect that the population will increase further, which may cause increased predation on songbirds and more complaints from people; thus, our study is important for urban planning, nature conservation and game/wildlife management.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Landscape And Urban Planning. - 133 (2015), p. 78-86. -
További szerzők:Gyüre Péter (1974-) (agrármérnök) Balogh Péter (1970-) (agrármérnök) Huettmann, Falk Lengyel Szabolcs (1971-) (biológus) Juhász Lajos (1956-) (biológia-földrajz szakos tanár)
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