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001-es BibID:BIBFORM049141
Első szerző:Balogh Ágnes (kardiológus)
Cím:Myofilament protein carbonylation contributes to the contractile dysfunction in the infarcted LV region of mouse hearts / Ágnes Balogh, David Santer, Enikő T. Pásztor, Attila Tóth, Dániel Czuriga, Bruno K. Podesser, Karola Trescher, Kornelia Jaquet, Ferenc Erdődi, István Édes, Zoltán Papp
Megjegyzések:Aims: The region-specific mechanical function of left ventricular (LV) murinecardiomyocytes and the role of phosphorylation and oxidative modifications of myofilamentproteins were investigated in the process of post-myocardial infarction (MI) remodeling 10weeks after ligation of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Methods andResults: Permeabilized murine cardiomyocytes from the remaining anterior and a remotenoninfarcted inferior LV area were compared with those of noninfarcted age-matchedcontrols. Myofilament phosphorylation, sulfhydryl (SH) oxidation and carbonylation werealso assayed. The Ca2+ sensitivity of force production was significantly lower in the anteriorwall (pCa50:5.81?0.03, mean?SEM, at 2.3 ?m sarcomere length) than that in the controls(pCa50:5.91?0.02) or in the MI inferior area (pCa50:5.88?0.02). The level of troponin Iphosphorylation was lower and that of myofilament protein SH oxidation was higher in theanterior location relative to controls, but these changes did not explain the differences in Ca2+sensitivities. On the other hand, significantly higher carbonylation levels [e.g. in myosinheavy chain (MHC) and actin] were observed in the MI anterior wall [carbonylation index(CI), CIMHC:2.06?0.46, CIactin:1.46?0.18] than in the controls (CI:1). In vitro Fenton-basedmyofilament carbonylation in the control cardiomyocytes also decreased the Ca2+ sensitivityof force production irrespective of the phosphorylation status of the myofilaments.Furthermore, the Ca2+ sensitivity correlated strongly with myofilament carbonylation levels inall investigated samples. Conclusions: Post-MI myocardial remodeling involves increasedmyofibrillar protein carbonylation and decreased Ca2+ sensitivity of force production, leadingpotentially to contractile dysfunction in the remaining cardiomyocytes of the infarcted area.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
contractile function
Megjelenés:Cardiovascular Research. - 101 : 1 (2014), p. 108-119. -
További szerzők:Santer, David Pásztorné Tóth Enikő (1966-) (laboratóriumi analitikus) Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Czuriga Dániel (1982-) (kardiológus) Podesser, Bruno Karl Trescher, Karola Jaquet, Kornelia Erdődi Ferenc (1953-) (biokémikus) Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0024
K 109083
Biomolekuláris interakciók jellemzőinek kvantitatív meghatározása
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037161
Első szerző:Kolozsvári Bernadett (molekuláris biológus, genetikus)
Cím:Calcineurin regulates endothelial barrier function by interaction with and dephosphorylation of myosin phosphatase / Kolozsvári B., Bakó É., Bécsi B., Kiss A., Czikora Á., Tóth A., Vámosi Gy., Gergely P., Erdődi F.
Megjegyzések:AIMS: Calcineurin (CN) influences myosin phosphorylation and alters endothelial barrier function; however, the molecular mechanism is still obscure. Here we examine whether CN controls myosin phosphorylation via mediating the phosphorylation state of Thr696 in myosin phosphatase (MP) target subunit 1 (MYPT1), the phosphorylation site inhibitory to the catalytic activity of MP. METHODS AND RESULTS: Exposure of bovine or human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAECs or HPAECs) to the CN inhibitor cyclosporin A (CsA) induces a rise in intracellular Ca(2+) and increases the phosphorylation level of cofilin(Ser3) and MYPT1(Thr696) in a Ca(2+)-and Rho-kinase-dependent manner. An active catalytic fragment of CN overexpressed in tsA201 cells decreases endogenous MYPT-phospho-Thr696 (MYPT1(pThr696)) levels. Purified CN dephosphorylates (32)P-labelled MYPT1, suggesting direct action of CN on this substrate. Interaction of MYPT1 with CN is revealed by MYPT1 pull-down experiments and colocalization in both BPAECs and HPAECs as well as by surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based binding studies. Stabilization of the MYPT1-CN complex occurs via the MYPT1(300PLIEST305) sequence similar to the CN substrate-docking PxIxIT-motif. Thrombin induces a transient increase of MYPT1(pThr696) in BPAECs, whereas its combination with CsA results in maintained phosphorylation levels of both MYPT1(pThr696) and myosin. These phosphorylation events might correlate with changes in endothelial permeability since CsA slows down the recovery from the thrombin-induced decrease of the transendothelial electrical resistance of the BPAEC monolayer. CONCLUSION: CN may improve endothelial barrier function via inducing dephosphorylation of cofilin(pSer3) and by interaction with MYPT1 and activating MP through MYPT1(pThr696) dephosphorylation, thereby affecting actin polymerization and decreasing myosin phosphorylation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Cardiovascular Research. - 96 : 3 (2012), p. 494-503. -
További szerzők:Bakó Éva (1958-) (biokémikus) Bécsi Bálint (1981-) (vegyészmérnök) Kiss Andrea (1979-) (biokémikus, vegyész) Czikora Ágnes (1982-) (molekuláris biológus) Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Vámosi György (1967-) (biofizikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Erdődi Ferenc (1953-) (biokémikus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0019
Biomolekuláris interakciók jellemzőinek kvantitatív meghatározása
I. Protein foszfatázok szerepe az in vitro porcdifferenciációban és a mechano-transzdukcióban II. Hypoglykaemiás szerek tervezése a glikogén foszforilázra (foszforilációval és defoszforilációval szabályozott kulcsenzim) ható molekulákkal
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