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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050296
Első szerző:Oláh Judit (agrárközgazdász, logisztika)
Cím:Why do we need a more locally focused rural employment policy in the EU? / Pakurár Miklós, Oláh Judit
Megjegyzések:EU policies have not been planned to a manner to solve problems with a one size fits all method. However in practice the EU suggestions are translated mechanically to national and regional policies, in many instances, without taking into account the real interests and needs of the inhabitants at different regional levels. This way the capitalization of EU policies and funds is not as efficient as it should be since the endogen potentials of localities are not utilized properly.Our hypothesis is that the rural areas of the EU are so diverse that the significant differences in employment, economic, social, educational and infrastructural features of rural regions necessitates a more locally focused policy which partly can be proved by statistical data. The analysis is based on the Eurostat General and Regional database and on national statistical databases.What are the reasons that one size fits all solutions has to be avoided and has to be changed with locally adapted policies? Probably this question can be answered partly by the facts of statistical data with which the differences, in some cases extremely huge alterations amongst territorial features, can be demonstrated. Analysing employment and employment related data it was pointed out that indicators of EU localities differs greatly in many instances. As the differences in indexes of PU, IR and PR regions, differences amongst rural regions were discussed above some important examples are mentioned to demonstrate the diversity in rural Europe. Economic indicators like GDP and income of households showed great fluctuations from region to region, the income of households was nine times higher in the highest income NUTS2 IR region than in the lowest income NUTS2 region. Long term unemployment was about seven times higher in a PR region than in another PR region on NUTS2 level. Three times more people was in human resources in science and technology as a percentage of total population in the leading PR NUTS2 region than in the lagging PR NUTS2 regionDifferences based on ruralty are a common topic of rural policies and rural science in EU countries however the differences in rural features of different countries may be notably important. Analysing the employment-unemployment indicators and those indicators that closely related to employment we found that in many instances the major differences are between the post-socialist new member states (NMS) and the EU 15 countries. In some cases the indicators are not available on NUTS2 or NUTS3 levels but if there are major differences at country level, we would anticipate, major differences that this probably also applies at (rural) regional level.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok konferenciacikk
regional policies
local policy
Megjelenés:Rural Areas and Development. - 7 (2009), p. 257-273. -
További szerzők:Pakurár Miklós (1959-) (agrárökonómus)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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