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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112602
Első szerző:Makiba, Sato
Cím:Effect of pellet compost on CO2 and N2O production and plant growth in Andosol and Chernozem / Sato Makiba, Magdolna Tállai, Andrea Balláné Kovács, Imre Vágó, János Kátai, Miwa Yashima Matsushima, Kazuyuki Inubushi
Megjegyzések:Compost is attracted in organic farming as an alternative to chemical fertilizers in the world. Pellet compost consists of a mixture of compost and chemical fertilizer, odorless, easy to handle and adjustable composition. Although it has pointed out that pellet compost generates greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO?), and nitrous oxide (N?O), the mechanism is not clearly understood. To investigate the effect of compost on greenhouse gas generation and plant growth in Hungarian soils, Chernozem and Japanese soil, Andosols, incubation experiments and pot experiment were conducted. Chernozem collected in University of Debrecen, Hungary, and Andosol collected in Chiba University, Japan, were used. Treatments were 1) pellet compost made of pig manure with chemical fertilizer, 2) chemical fertilizer, comparing to 3) no fertilizer. Soils were incubated for 6 weeks at 20? in a dark place and analysed for CO?, N?O production and content of nitrogen. In similar soils and treatments, pot experiment was conducted with Komatsuna (Brassica rapa) to observe the effect on plant growth. Production rate of N?O with chemical fertilizer in Chernozem was the highest among the three treatments. However N?O was not detected in Andosol. It was probably due to higher clay contents in Chernozem and higher activity of denitrification bacteria than in other treatments. In Chernozem, as nitrification rapidly progressed in chemical fertilizer, N?O production was the highest as by-products of nitrification. CO? production of Chernozem was higher than that of Andosol. This is attributed to be stimulated decomposition of organic matter by the soil microbial activity. In pot experiment, pellet compost tended to enhance plant growth, followed by chemical fertilizer and control in both soils. These experiments showed that pellet compost is expected to have carbon storage effect and leading to be a sustainable agriculture by alternative to chemical fertilizer.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok könyvfejezet
Greenhouse gases
Organic farming
Megjelenés:ISCRAES Book of Abstract / Mohammad I. Khalil, Bruce A. Osborne. - p. 47-48. -
További szerzők:Tállai Magdolna (1982-) (agrármérnök) Balláné Kovács Andrea (1967-) (vegyész) Vágó Imre (1953-) (vegyészmérnök) Kátai János (1950-) (biológus, hidrobiológus) Matsushima, Miwa Yashima Inubushi, Kazuyuki
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