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001-es BibID:BIBFORM058133
Első szerző:Lee, Jeewoo
Cím:N-(3-acyloxy-2-benzylpropyl)-N'-[4-(methylsulfonylamino)benzyl]thiourea analogues : novel potent and high affinity antagonists and partial antagonists of the vanilloid receptor / Jeewoo Lee, Jiyoun Lee, Myungshim Kang, Myoungyoup Shin, Ji-Min Kim, Sang-Uk Kang, Ju-Ok Lim, Hyun-Kyung Choi, Young-Ger Suh, Hyeung-Geun Park, Uhtaek Oh, Hee-Doo Kim, Young-Ho Park, Hee-Jin Ha, Young-Ho Kim, Attila Toth, Yun Wang, Richard Tran, Larry V. Pearce, Daniel J. Lundberg, Peter M. Blumberg
ISSN:0022-2623 1520-4804
Megjegyzések:Isosteric replacement of the phenolic hydroxyl group in potent vanilloid receptor (VR1) agonists with the alkylsulfonamido group provides a series of compounds which are effective antagonists to the action of the capsaicin on rat VR1 heterologously expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In particular, compound 61, N-[2-(3,4-dimethylbenzyl)-3-pivaloyloxypropyl]-N'-[3-fluoro-4-(methylsulfonylamino)benzyl]thiourea was a full antagonist against capsaicin, displayed a K(i) value of 7.8 nM (compared to 520 nM for capsazepine and 4 nM for 5-iodoRTX), and showed excellent analgesic activity in mice. Structure-activity analysis of the influence of modifications in the A- and C-regions of 4-methylsulfonamide ligands on VR1 agonism/antagonism indicated that 3-fluoro substitution in the A-region and a 4-tert-butylbenzyl moiety in the C-region favored antagonism, whereas a 3-methoxy group in the A-region and 3-acyloxy-2-benzylpropyl moieties in the C-region favored agonism.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - 46 : 14 (2003), p. 3116-3126. -
További szerzők:Lee, Jiyoun Kang, Myungshim Shin, Myoungyoup Kim, Ji-Min Kang, Sang-Uk Lim, Ju-Ok Choi, Hyun-Kyung Suh, Young-Ger Park, Hyeung-Geun Oh, Uhtaek Kim, Hee-Doo Park, Young Ho Ha, Hee-Jin Kim, Young-Ho Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Wang, Yun Tran, Richard Pearce, Larry V. Lundberg, Daniel J. Blumberg, Peter M.
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