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001-es BibID:BIBFORM058129
Első szerző:Lee, Jeewoo
Cím:Analysis of structure-activity relationships for the 'B-region' of N-(3-acyloxy-2-benzylpropyl)-N(')-[4-(methylsulfonylamino)benzyl]thiourea analogues as vanilloid receptor antagonists : discovery of an N-hydroxythiourea analogue with potent analgesic activity / Jeewoo Lee, Sang-Uk Kang, Hyun-Kyung Choi, Jiyoun Lee, Ju-Ok Lim, Min-Jung Kil, Mi-Kyung Jin, Kang-Pil Kim, Jong-Hyuk Sung, Suk-Jae Chung, Hee-Jin Ha, Young-Ho Kim, Larry V. Pearce, Richard Tran, Daniel J. Lundberg, Yun Wang, Attila Toth, Peter M. Blumberg
Megjegyzések:The structural modifications on the B-region of the potent and high affinity vanilloid receptor (VR1) lead ligand N-(3-acyloxy-2-benzylpropyl)-N(')-[4-(methylsulfonylamino)benzyl]thiourea were investigated by the replacement of the thiourea with diverse isosteric functional groups. Structure-activity analysis indicated that the A-region in this series was the primary factor in determining the agonistic/antagonistic activities regardless of the B-region. The N(C)-hydroxy thiourea analogues (12, 13) showed excellent analgesic activities in the acetic acid writhing assay compared to the parent thiourea analogues.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. - 14 : 9 (2004), p. 2291-2297. -
További szerzők:Kang, Sang-Uk Choi, Hyun-Kyung Lee, Jiyoun Lim, Ju-Ok Kil, Min-Jung Jin, Mi-Kyung Kim, Kang-Pil Sung, Jong-Hyuk Chung, Suk-Jae Ha, Hee-Jin Kim, Young-Ho Pearce, Larry V. Tran, Richard Lundberg, Daniel J. Wang, Yun Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Blumberg, Peter M.
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