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001-es BibID:BIBFORM036743
035-os BibID:PMID:20708295
Első szerző:Balogh Zoltán (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus, diabetológus)
Cím:Obesity abrogates the concentration-dependent effect of leptin on endogenous cholesterol synthesis in human monocytes / Zoltán Balogh, Gabriella Fóris, Gabriella Kónya, György Paragh Jr., Tamás Köbling, János T. Padra, Zsolt Sarang, György Paragh
Megjegyzések:Leptin the cytokine-like hormone is involved not only in local inflammations, but it regulates cholesterol biosynthesis in human monocytes. Since, monocyte-membrane composition in obesity shows considerable difference from control cells, our aim was to elucidate the concentration dependence of the effect of leptin in OW monocytes, and the downstream signaling of high and low leptin concentrations. Control and OW monocytes were stimulated with leptin in the presence or absence of different inhibitors. Our results are as follows: a concentration-dependent biphasic effect could only be detected in control monocytes whereas in OW cells only elevated cholesterol synthesis was found. The signal pathway of 50 ng/mL leptin stimulation involves Ca(2+) signal, activation of PI3K, MAPK and HMG CoA reductase. In the 500 ng/mL leptin-stimulated control monocytes the suppression of cholesterol synthesis was dependent on the Ca(2+) signal, the H-7 sensitive cPKC and PI3K activation, whereas in OW monocytes only PI3K was involved in increased cholesterol synthesis. We conclude that leptin-signaling in OW monocytes is characterized by Ca(2+) influx, abrogation of H-7 sensitive cPKC activation, and by PI3K mediated PKC activation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Immunobiology 216 : 3 (2011), p. 431-435. -
További szerzők:Fóris Gabriella (1937-) (belgyógyász) Kónya Gabriella (1982-) (molekuláris biológus) Paragh György Jr. (1978-) (bőrgyógyász) Köbling Tamás (1978-) (belgyógyász) Padra János Tamás (1984-) (biológus) Sarang Zsolt (1976-) (mikrobiológus) Paragh György (1953-) (belgyógyász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM053481
Első szerző:Padra János Tamás (biológus)
Cím:A comparative study on dyslipidaemia inducing diets in various rat strains / J. T. Padra, I. Seres, A. Oláh, F. Fenyvesi, G. Paragh Jr., G. Paragh, L. Csernoch, G. Fóris, P. Kertai
ISSN:0231-424X 1588-2683
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Acta Physiologica Hungarica. - 101 : 2 (2014), p. 250-258. -
További szerzők:Seres Ildikó (1954-) (biokémikus) Oláh Anna (1956-) (klinikai biokémikus, vegyész) Fenyvesi Ferenc (1977-) (gyógyszerész, gyógyszertechnológus) Paragh György Jr. (1978-) (bőrgyógyász) Paragh György (1953-) (belgyógyász) Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász) Fóris Gabriella (1937-) (belgyógyász) Kertai Pál (1927-2016) (népegészségügyi szakember)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037732
Első szerző:Padra János Tamás (biológus)
Cím:Leptin triggers Ca2+ imbalance in monocytes of overweight subjects / János Padra, Ildikó Seres, Gabriella Fóris, György Paragh Jr., Gabriella Kónya, György Paragh
Megjegyzések:Obesity is a major risk factor in numerous diseases, in which elevated intracellular Ca(2+) plays a major role in increased adiposity. We examined the difference between Ca(2+) signals in monocytes of lean and overweight subjects and the relationship between leptin induced NADPH oxidase activation and intracellular calcium concentration [Ca(2+)](i) homeostasis. Our results are as follows: (1) The basal level of [Ca(2+)](i) in resting monocytes of overweight subjects (OW monocytes) was higher than that in control cells, whereas the leptin-induced peak of the Ca(2+) signal was lower and the return to basal level was delayed. (2) Ca(2+) signals were more pronounced in OW monocytes than in control cells. (3) Using different inhibitors of cellular signaling, we found that in control cells the Ca(2+) signals originated from intracellular pools, whereas in OW cells they were generated predominantly by Ca(2+)-influx from medium. Finally, we found correlation between leptin induced superoxide anion generation and Ca(2+) signals. The disturbed [Ca(2+)](i) homeostasis in OW monocytes was fully restored in the presence of fluvastatin. Statins have pleiotropic effects involving the inhibition of free radical generation that may account for its beneficial effect on elevated [Ca(2+)](i) and consequently on the pathomechanism of obesity.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Egészség- és Környezettudomány
Ca2+ signal
Megjelenés:Neuropeptides 46 (2012), p. 203-209. -
További szerzők:Seres Ildikó (1954-) (biokémikus) Fóris Gabriella (1937-) (belgyógyász) Paragh György Jr. (1978-) (bőrgyógyász) Kónya Gabriella (1982-) (molekuláris biológus) Paragh György (1953-) (belgyógyász)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Gyulladásos és egyéb proatherogén tényezők vizsgálata a lipidanyagcsere zavarával járó kórállapotokban
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM042013
Első szerző:Sztanek Ferenc (orvos)
Cím:Decreased human paraoxonase-1 (PON1) lactonase activity in hemodialyzed and renal transplanted patients. A novel cardiovascular biomarker in end-stage renal disease / Ferenc Sztanek, Ildikó Seres, Mariann Harangi, Lajos Lőcsey, János Padra, György Paragh Jr., László Asztalos, György Paragh
Megjegyzések:BACKGROUND:Human paraoxonase-1 (PON1) has also been described as a lactonase. Decreased PON1 lactonase activity was found to be a predictor of cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine thiolactonase activity may prevent proteins from homocysteinylation and is thought to be a protective factor against the progression of atherosclerosis. Previous studies have demonstrated decreased PON1 paraoxonase activity in hemodialyzed (HD) and renal transplant (TRX) patients; however, lactonase activity has not been investigated. We aimed to determine the paraoxonase and lactonase activities and to clarify the relationship between lactonase activity and a set of cardiovascular risk factors, such as homocysteine, cystatin C and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels, in HD and TRX patients and in healthy controls.METHODS:One hundred and eight HD and 78 TRX patients and 63 healthy controls were involved in the study. Paraoxonase and lactonase activities (paraoxon and gamma-thiobutyrolactone as substrates) were measured spectrophotometrically. ADMA level was determined with sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.RESULTS:Both HD and TRX patients had significantly lower lactonase activities compared to the control group (P<0.05). Significantly lower paraoxonase activities were found in HD patients compared to the TRX group (P<0.05). Significant negative correlation was found between lactonase activity and ADMA level in the whole study population (P<0.001), while paraoxonase and lactonase activities showed significant positive correlation (P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis identified paraoxonase activity and homocysteine level as independent predictors of lactonase activity.CONCLUSION:Lactonase activity is a potential new predictor of cardiovascular risk in renal failure. Measurement of lactonase activity is recommended in future studies on HD and TRX patients.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
chronic renal failure
renal transplantation
asymmetric dimethylarginine
Megjelenés:Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. - 27 : 7 (2012), p. 2866-2872. -
További szerzők:Seres Ildikó (1954-) (biokémikus) Harangi Mariann (1974-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Lőcsey Lajos (1946-2013) (belgyógyász, nephrológus) Padra János Tamás (1984-) (biológus) Paragh György Jr. (1978-) (bőrgyógyász) Asztalos László (1951-) (sebész) Paragh György (1953-) (belgyógyász)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Gyulladásos és egyéb proatherogén tényezők vizsgálata a lipidanyagcsere zavarával járó kórállapotokban
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