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001-es BibID:BIBFORM029887
Első szerző:Hegedűs Katalin (ideggyógyász, neuropathológus)
Cím:Experimental focal cerebral ischaemia in rabbits / K. Hegedűs, I. Fekete, F. Tury, L. Molnár
Megjegyzések:A highly reproducible form of experimental embolization of the intracranial arteries is presented in rabbits. The injection of a silver or gold ball into the internal carotid artery caused occlusion predominantly of the middle cerebral artery and/or its branches. At the moment when embolization took place, the characteristic signs of acute cerebral ischaemia occurred in the electroencephalogram, local cerebral blood flow and steady (DC) potentials. Several hours after the ball had been injected the extent of the focal lesions became recognizable on sections stained for myelin. The procedure is simple, rapid, inexpensive and practically always successful. The extent of the lesion may be influenced by the change of both the ball size and the posture of animals. Moreover, the site of occlusion is easily discernible both on radiographs and to the naked eye.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Journal Of Neurology. - 232 : 4 (1985), p. 223-230. -
További szerzők:Túry Ferenc Molnár László (1923-1999) (neurológus) Fekete István (1951-) (neurológus, pszichiáter)
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