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001-es BibID:BIBFORM052924
Első szerző:Bartók Ádám (biotechnológus)
Cím:Margatoxin is a non-selective inhibitor of human Kv1.3 K+ channels / Adam Bartok, Agnes Toth, Sandor Somodi, Tibor G. Szanto, Peter Hajdu, Gyorgy Panyi, Zoltan Varga
Megjegyzések:Margatoxin (MgTx), an alpha-KTx scorpion toxin, is considered a selective inhibitor of the Kv1.3 K+ channel. This peptide is widely used in ion channel research; however, a comprehensive study of its selectivity with electrophysiological methods has not been published yet. The lack of selectivity might lead to undesired side effects upon therapeutic application or may lead to incorrect conclusion regarding the role of a particular ion channel in a physiological or pathophysiological response either in vitro or in vivo. Using the patch-clamp technique we characterized the selectivity profile of MgTx using L929 cells expressing mKv1.1 channels, human peripheral lymphocytes expressing Kv1.3 channels and transiently transfected tsA201 cells expressing hKv1.1, hKv1.2, hKv1.3, hKv1.4-IR, hKv1.5, hKv1.6, hKv1.7, rKv2.1, Shaker-IR, hERG, hKCa1.1, hKCa3.1 and hNav1.5 channels. MgTx is indeed a high affinity inhibitor of Kv1.3 (Kd = 11.7 pM) but is not selective, it inhibits the Kv1.2 channel with similar affinity (Kd = 6.4 pM) and Kv1.1 in the nanomolar range (Kd = 4.2 nM). Based on our comprehensive data MgTX has to be considered a non-selective Kv1.3 inhibitor, and thus, experiments aiming at elucidating the significance of Kv1.3 in in vitro or in vivo physiological responses have to be carefully evaluated.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ion channel
potassium channel
scorpion toxin
Megjelenés:Toxicon. - 87 (2014), p. 6-16. -
További szerzők:Tóth Ágnes (1983-) (biofizikus) Somodi Sándor (1977-) (belgyógyász) Szántó Gábor Tibor (1980-) (vegyész) Hajdu Péter (1975-) (biofizikus) Panyi György (1966-) (biofizikus) Varga Zoltán (1969-) (biofizikus, szakfordító)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM062512
Első szerző:Pethő Zoltán (orvos)
Cím:The anti-proliferative effect of cation channel blockers in T lymphocytes depends on the strength of mitogenic stimulation / Zoltan Petho, Andras Balajthy, Adam Bartok, Krisztian Bene, Sandor Somodi, Orsolya Szilagyi, Eva Rajnavolgyi, Gyorgy Panyi, Zoltan Varga
Megjegyzések:Ion channels are crucially important for the activation and proliferation of T lymphocytes, and thus, for the function of the immune system. Previous studies on the effects of channel blockers on T cell proliferation reported variable effectiveness due to differing experimental systems. Therefore our aim was to investigate how the strength of the mitogenic stimulation influences the efficiency of cation channel blockers in inhibiting activation, cytokine secretion and proliferation of T cells under standardized conditions. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were activated via monoclonal antibodies targeting the TCR-CD3 complex and the co-stimulator CD28. We applied the blockers of Kv1.3 (Anuroctoxin), KCa3.1 (TRAM-34) and CRAC (2-Apb) channels of T cells either alone or in combination with rapamycin, the inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Five days after the stimulation ELISA and flow cytometric measurements were performed to determine IL-10 and IFN-? secretion, cellular viability and proliferation. Our results showed that ion channel blockers and rapamycin inhibit IL-10 and IFN-? secretion and cell division in a dose-dependent manner. Simultaneous application of the blockers for each channel along with rapamycin was the most effective, indicating synergy among the various activation pathways. Upon increasing the extent of mitogenic stimulation the anti-proliferative effect of the ion channel blockers diminished. This phenomenon may be important in understanding the fine-tuning of T cell activation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Immune regulation
ion channel
Cytokine secretion
T cells
Megjelenés:Immunology Letters 171 (2016), p. 60-69. -
További szerzők:Balajthy András (1988-) (általános orvos) Bartók Ádám (1984-) (biotechnológus) Bene Krisztián (1986-) (Biológus) Somodi Sándor (1977-) (belgyógyász) Szilágyi Orsolya (1985-) (molekuláris biológus, biokémikus) Rajnavölgyi Éva (1950-) (immunológus) Panyi György (1966-) (biofizikus) Varga Zoltán (1969-) (biofizikus, szakfordító)
Pályázati támogatás:KTIA NAP 13-2-2015-0009
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