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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118990
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85189475993 (WoS)001190999100001
Első szerző:Attanasio, Roberto
Cím:Patients' persistent symptoms, clinician demographics and geo-economic factors are associated with choice of therapy for hypothyroidism by European thyroid specialists : The "THESIS"* collaboration (*Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists, an International Survey) / Roberto Attanasio, Miloš Žarković, Enrico Papini, Endre Vezekenyi Nagy, Roberto Negro, Petros Perros, Ersin Akarsu, Maria Alevizaki, Göksun Ayvaz, Tomasz Bednarczuk, Biljana Beleslin, Eszter Berta, Miklos Bodor, Anna Maria Borissova, Mihail Boyanov, Camille Buffet, Maria-Cristina Burlacu, Jasmina Ciric, Juan J. Díez, Harald Dobnig, Valentin V. Fadeyev, Benjamin C. T. Field, Eric Fliers, Dagmar Führer, Juan Carlos Galofré, Tommi Hakala, Jan Jiskra, Peter A. Kopp, Michael Krebs, Michal Kršek, Martin Kuzma, Mikael Lantz, Ivica Lazúrová, Laurence Leenhardt, Vitaliy Luchytskiy, Francisca Marques Puga, Anne McGowan, Saara Metso, Carla Moran, Tatyana Morgunova, Dan Alexandru Niculescu, Božidar Perić, Tereza Planck, Catalina Poiana, Eyal Robenshtok, Patrick Olivier Rosselet, Marek Ruchala, Kamilla Ryom Riis, Alla Shepelkevich, Mykola D. Tronko, David Unuane, Irfan Vardarli, W. Edward Visser, Andromachi Vryonidou, Younes Ramazan Younes, Laszlo Hegedus
Megjegyzések:Background. Hypothyroidism is common, however, aspects of its treatment remain controversial. Our survey aimed at documenting treatment choices of European thyroid specialists and exploring how patients' persistent symptoms, clinician demographics, and geo-economic factors relate to treatment choices. Methods. 17,247 thyroid specialists from 28 countries were invited to participate in an online questionnaire survey. The survey included respondent demographic data and treatment choices for hypothyroid patients with persistent symptoms. Geo-economic data for each country were included in the analyses. Results. The response rate was 32.9% (6,058 respondents out of 17,247 invitees). Levothyroxine (LT4) was the initial treatment preferred by the majority (98.3%). Persistent symptoms despite normal serum thyrotropin (TSH) while receiving LT4 treatment were reported to affect up to 10.0% of patients by 75.4% of respondents, while 28.4% reported an increasing such trend in the past five years. The principal explanations offered for patients' persistent symptoms were psychosocial factors (77.1%), comorbidities (69.2%), and unrealistic patient expectations (61.0%). Combination treatment with LT4 + liothyronine (LT3) was chosen by 40.0% of respondents for patients who complained of persistent symptoms despite a normal TSH. This option was selected more frequently by female thyroid specialists, with high-volume practice, working in countries with high gross national income per capita. Conclusions. The perception of patients' dissatisfaction reported by physicians seems lower than that described by hypothyroid patients in previous surveys. LT4+LT3 treatment is used frequently by thyroid specialists in Europe for persistent hypothyroid-like symptoms even if they generally attribute such symptoms to non-endocrine causes and despite the evidence of non-superiority of the combined over the LT4 therapy. Pressure by dissatisfied patients on their physicians for LT3-containing treatments is a likely explanation. The association of the therapeutic choices with the clinician demographic characteristics and geo-economic factors in Europe is a novel information and requires further investigation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
quality of life
Megjelenés:Thyroid. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Zarkovic, Milos Papini, Enrico Nagy Endre V. (1957-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Negro, Roberto Perros, Petros Akarsu, Ersin Alevizaki, Maria Ayvaz, Goksun Bednarczuk, Tomasz Beleslin, Biljana Nedeljkovic Berta Eszter (1980-) (belgyógyász) Bodor Miklós (1969-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Borissova, Anna-Maria I. Boyanov, Mihail A. Buffet, Camille Burlacu, Maria-Cristina Ciric, Jasmina Díez, Juan J. Dobnig, Harald Fadeyev, Valentin Field, Benjamin C. T. Fliers, Eric Führer, Dagmar Galofré, Juan C. Hakala, Tommi Jiskra, Jan Kopp, Peter Krebs, Michael Krsek, Michal Kuzma, Martin Lantz, Mikael Lazúrová, Ivica Leenhardt, Laurence Luchytskiy, Vitaliy Marques Puga, Francisca McGowan, Anne Metso, Saara Moran, Carla Morgunova, Tatyana Niculescu, Dan Alexandru Peric, Bozidar Planck, Tereza Poiana, Catalina Robenshtok, Eyal Rosselet, Patrick Ruchaa, Marek Ryom Riis, Kamilla Shepelkevich, Alla P. Tronko, Mykola D. Unuane, David Vardarli, Irfan Visser, W. Edward Vryonidou, Andromachi Younes, Younes Ramazan Hegedüs László
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122079
035-os BibID:(scopus)85196034108 (wos)001248305800001
Első szerző:Galofré, Juan C.
Cím:Treatment of Obesity with Thyroid hormones in Europe. Data from the THESIS* Collaboration / J. C. Galofré, J. J. Díez, R. Attanasio, E. V. Nagy, R. Negro, E. Papini, P. Perros, M. Zarkovic, E. Akarsu, M. Alevizaki, G. Ayvaz, T. Bednarczuk, B. N. Beleslin, E. Berta, M. Bodor, A. M. Borissova, M. Boyanov, C. Buffet, M. C. Burlacu, H. Dobnig, V. Fadeyev, B. C. T. Field, E. Fliers, D. Führer, T. Hakala, J. Jiskra, P. Kopp, M. Krebs, M. Krsek, M. Kuzma, M. Lantz, I. Lazúrová, L. Leenhardt, V. Luchytskiy, F. M. Puga, A. McGowan, S. Metso, C. Moran, T. Morgunova, D. A. Niculescu, B. Peric, T. Planck, C. Poiana, E. Robenshtok, P. O. Rosselet, M. Ruchala, K. R. Riis, A. Shepelkevich, M. Tronko, D. Unuane, I. Vardarli, W. E. Visser, M. Vryonidou, Y. R. Younes, L. Hegedüs
Megjegyzések:Purpose The use of thyroid hormones (TH) to treat obesity is unsupported by evidence as refected in international guidelines. We explored views about this practice, and associations with respondent characteristics among European thyroid specialists. Methods Specialists from 28 countries were invited to a survey via professional organisations. The relevant question was whether "Thyroid hormones may be indicated in biochemically euthyroid patients with obesity resistant to lifestyle interventions". Results Of 17,232 invitations 5695 responses were received (33% valid response rate; 65% women; 90% endocrinologists). Of these, 290 (5.1%) stated that TH may be indicated as treatment for obesity in euthyroid patients. This view was commoner among non-endocrinologists (8.7% vs. 4.7%, p<0.01), private practice (6.5% vs. 4.5%, p<0.01), and varied geographically (Eastern Europe, 7.3%; Southern Europe, 4.8%; Western Europe, 2.7%; and Northern Europe, 2.5%). Respondents from Northern and Western Europe were less likely to use TH than those from Eastern Europe (p<0.01). Gross national income (GNI) correlated inversely with this view (OR 0.97, CI: 0.96?0.97; p<0.001). Having national guidelines on hypothyroidism correlated negatively with treating obesity with TH (OR 0.71, CI: 0.55?0.91). Conclusions Despite the lack of evidence, and contrary to guidelines' recommendations, about 5% of respondents stated that TH may be indicated as a treatment for obesity in euthyroid patients resistant to life-style interventions. This opinion was associated with (i) respondent characteristics: being non-endocrinologist, working in private practice, treating a small number of hypothyroid patients annually and (ii) national characteristics: prevalence of obesity, Eastern Europe, low GNI and lack of national hypothyroidism guidelines.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Díez, Juan J. Attanasio, Roberto Nagy Endre V. (1957-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Negro, Roberto Papini, Enrico Perros, Petros Zarkovic, Milos Akarsu, Ersin Alevizaki, Maria Ayvaz, Goksun Bednarczuk, Tomasz Beleslin, Biljana Nedeljkovic Berta Eszter (1980-) (belgyógyász) Bodor Miklós (1969-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Borissova, Anna-Maria I. Boyanov, Mihail A. Buffet, Camille Burlacu, Maria-Cristina Dobnig, Harald Fadeyev, Valentin Field, Benjamin C. T. Fliers, Eric Führer, Dagmar Hakala, Tommi Jiskra, Jan Kopp, Peter Krebs, Michael Krsek, Michal Kuzma, Martin Lantz, Mikael Lazúrová, Ivica Leenhardt, Laurence Luchytskiy, Vitaliy Puga, Francisca Marques McGowan, Anne Metso, Saara Moran, Carla Morgunova, Tatyana Niculescu, Dan Alexandru Peric, Bozidar Planck, Tereza Poiana, Catalina Robenshtok, Eyal Rosselet, Patrick Ruchaa, Marek Riis, Kamilla Ryom Shepelkevich, Alla P. Tronko, Mykola D. Unuane, David Vardarli, Irfan Visser, W. Edward Vryonidou, M. Younes, Younes Ramazan Hegedüs László
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM100392
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)795111
Első szerző:Planck, Tereza
Cím:Use of Thyroid Hormones in Hypothyroid and Euthyroid Patients : a 2020 THESIS Questionnaire Survey of Members of the Swedish Endocrine Society / Planck Tereza, Lantz Mikael, Perros Petros, Papini Enrico, Attanasio Roberto, Nagy Endre V., Hegedüs Laszlo
ISSN:1664-2392 1664-2392
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Frontiers in Endocrinology. - 12 (2021), p. 1-9. -
További szerzők:Lantz, Mikael Perros, Petros Papini, Enrico Attanasio, Roberto Nagy Endre V. (1957-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Hegedüs László
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115997
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85177456203
Első szerző:Zarkovic, Milos
Cím:Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients : the "THESIS" collaborative / Zarkovic Milos, Attanasio Roberto, Nagy Endre V., Negro Roberto, Papini Enrico, Perros Petros, Cohen Chagit Adler, Akarsu Ersin, Alevizaki Maria, Ayvaz Göksun, Bednarczuk Tomasz, Berta Eszter, Bodor Miklos, Borissova Anna Maria, Boyanov Mihail, Buffet Camille, Burlacu Maria-Cristina, Ciric Jasmina, Díez Juan J., Dobnig Harald, Fadeyev Valentin, Field Benjamin C. T., Fliers Eric, Frlich Jacob Stampe, Führer Dagmar, Galofré Juan Carlos, Hakala Tommi, Jiskra Jan, Kopp Peter, Krebs Michael, Krsek Michal, Kuzma Martin, Lantz Mikael, Lazúrová Ivica, Leenhardt Laurence, Luchytskiy Vitaliy, McGowan Anne, Melo Miguel, Metso Saara, Moran Carla, Morgunova Tatyana, Mykola Tronko, Beleslin Biljana Nedeljkovic, Niculescu Dan Alexandru, Peric Bozidar, Planck Tereza, Poiana Catalina, Puga Francisca Marques, Robenshtok Eyal, Rosselet Patrick, Ruchala Marek, Riis Kamilla Ryom, Shepelkevich Alla, Unuane David, Vardarli Irfan, Visser W. Edward, Vrionidou Andromachi, Younes Younes R., Yurenya Elena, Hegedüs Laszlo
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Thyroid specialists influence how hypothyroid patients are treated, including patients managed in primary care. Given that physician characteristics influence patient care, this study aimed to explore thyroid specialist profiles and associations with geo-economic factors. Methods: Thyroid specialists from 28 countries were invited to respond to a questionnaire, Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists: an International Survey (THESIS). Geographic regions were defined according to the United Nations Statistics Division. The national economic status was estimated using World Bank data on the gross national income per capita (GNI per capita). Results: 5,695 valid responses were received (response rate 33?0%). The mean age was 49 years, and 65?0% were female. The proportion of female respondents was lowest in Northern (45?6%) and highest in Eastern Europe (77?2%) (p <0?001). Respondent work volume, university affiliation and private practice differed significantly between countries (p<0?001). Age and GNI per capita were correlated inversely with the proportion of female respondents (p<0?01). GNI per capita was inversely related to the proportion of respondents working exclusively in private practice (p<0?011) and the proportion of respondents who treated >100 patients annually (p<0?01). Discussion: THESIS has demonstrated differences in characteristics of thyroid specialists at national and regional levels, strongly associated with GNI per capita. Hypothyroid patients in middle-income countries are more likely to encounter female thyroid specialists working in private practice, with a high workload, compared to high-income countries. Whether these differences influence the quality of care and patient satisfaction is unknown, but merits further study.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Frontiers in Endocrinology. - 14 : 24 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Attanasio, Roberto Nagy Endre V. (1957-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Negro, Roberto Papini, Enrico Perros, Petros Cohen, Chagit Adler Akarsu, Ersin Alevizaki, Maria Ayvaz, Goksun Bednarczuk, Tomasz Berta Eszter (1980-) (belgyógyász) Bodor Miklós (1969-) (belgyógyász, endokrinológus) Borissova, Anna-Maria I. Boyanov, Mihail A. Buffet, Camille Burlacu, Maria-Cristina Ciric, Jasmina Díez, Juan J. Dobnig, Harald Fadeyev, Valentin Field, Benjamin C. T. Fliers, Eric Frlich, Jacob Stampe Führer, Dagmar Galofré, Juan C. Hakala, Tommi Jiskra, Jan Kopp, Peter Krebs, Michael Krsek, Michal Kuzma, Martin Lantz, Mikael Lazúrová, Ivica Leenhardt, Laurence Luchytskiy, Vitaliy McGowan, Anne Melo, Miguel Metso, Saara Moran, Carla Morgunova, Tatyana Mykola, Tronko Beleslin, Biljana Nedeljkovic Niculescu, Dan Alexandru Peric, Bozidar Planck, Tereza Poiana, Catalina Puga, Francisca Marques Robenshtok, Eyal Rosselet, Patrick Ruchaa, Marek Riis, Kamilla Ryom Shepelkevich, Alla P. Unuane, David Vardarli, Irfan Visser, W. Edward Vrionidou, Andromachi Younes, Younes Ramazan Yurenya, Elena V. Hegedüs László
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