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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050993
Első szerző:Rurik Imre (háziorvos, foglalkozás-egészségügyi szakorvos, urológus)
Cím:Changes in health and primary care systems of Central-Eastern European countries / Imre Rurik, László Kalabay
Megjegyzések:Primary care as an important tool to improve global health was recognized in many countries a few decades ago. It wasmain topic of a WHO promoted conference resulted in the Declaration of Alma Ata, in 1978 where its importance was emphasized.This study aims to present an overview how the targets of this Declaration regarding primary care were realised in ten coun tries of the former Soviet block that joined the European Union since 2004.Some demographic, socio-economic, mortality based statistical dates were presented and scientific publications from respec tive countries were analyzed, personal experiences offami1y physicians of these countries were compared.After the collapse of communist regimes democratic political changes and health reforms started in these countries. Ther was an economic recession and decline in the first decade.Life expectancies improved and total health expenditures increased, in different extent by countries, although government spent barely more for health care. Primary care providers are the main private sector contributors.Hospital based structure has changed, while number of outpatients contact is nearly the same.The ratio between secondary care specialists and family physicians remained too high and there is a shortage of educated nurses.Although new funding systems for primary care services were introduced, budgets were mostly redistributed without substan tial increase and improve of outcome. The achievements of reform have rarely been evaluated systematically. There is n teamwork, praxis communities do not exist. Old style of polyclinics still predominates in some countries. The gate keepin system is more often symbolic or dysfunctional. Health promotion and preventive services are rarely supported by govern ments.Implementation of family medicine is not an absolute priority for decision makers. Political situation is often unstable. De spite the non-negligible achievements, the health systems in this part of Europe are still in the midst of transition.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Primary care
Alma Ata Declaration
health system
Central and Eastern Europe
Megjelenés:Naukovij Visnuk Uzsgorodskovo Universitatu Seria Medicina. - 40 (2011), p. 13-19. -
További szerzők:Kalabay László
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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