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001-es BibID:BIBFORM056452
Első szerző:Szeghalmy Szilvia (programtervező matematikus)
Cím:Detecting Digital Intersections Using Line Approximation / Szeghalmy Szilvia, Tomán Henrietta, Hajdu András
Megjegyzések:In this paper, we investigate how digital line or curve segments enclosed by intersection points can be classified as valid or invalid intersections by matching pairs of intersecting lines onto the enclosed segment. Starting from the classic digital geometric definition of intersection points, we analyze whether the enclosed segment between any two connected intersection points can be considered as an intersection. To make this decision, we match intersectinglines and calculate their Hausdorff and chamfer distance from the enclosed segment, and from the curve parts leaving the intersection, respectively. As preprocessing steps, we fill in holes that may appear between intersecting curves, and perform morphological thinning to be able to approximatewith naive lines having 1- pixel width. From the enclosed segment we can calculate the minimal and maximal slope for possible matching lines. We also examine how these results can be used in detecting intersections of retinal vessels in digital fundus images.
ISBN:978 963 9894 72 3
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
digitális geometria
Megjelenés:Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI2010) Vol. 1. / edited by Attila Egri-Nagy, Emőd Kovács, Gergely Kovásznai, Gábor Kusper, Tibor Tómács. - p. 193-202. -
További szerzők:Tomán Henrietta (1976-) (matematikus, informatikus) Hajdu András (1973-) (matematikus, informatikus)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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