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001-es BibID:BIBFORM025771
Első szerző:Gergely Éva (gazdasági agrármérnök, viselkedéselemző)
Cím:Teljesítménymenedzsment-vizsgálatok élelmiszer-gazdasági szervezeteknél / Gergely Éva, Dienesné Kovács Erzsébet
Megjegyzések:The test has been made at food economy organizations of the North-lowlands Region. The research aimed at the exploration of importance of certain fields of human resource management, more explicit the functioning of performance management systems at organizations under survey. We used questionnaires, the full number of samples is 157. It is our objective to explore by the co-operation of persons in interview how present economic circumstances influence the system of human resource management of food economy organizations, whether there is any change due to the crisis resp. which characteristics will be taken into consideration during the evaluation of performances by the evaluators.Our hypotheses are the following:- Due to the crisis the role of performance management increased at food-economy organizations.- There will be paid no attention during the evaluation to basic competencies necessary to the change (e.g. communication ability, willingness to innovation).- At present substantive decision and problem solving ability are of outstanding significance, that is why these competencies will be considered to have outstandig roles in course of any performance evaluation.As a result of our research our hypothesis has been proved to be right that under present economic and socail circumstances performance management has an outstanding role and it is acknowledged not only by the management but by the employees as well. They recognize that this EEM-function has a tight correlation with the other fields and helps them. Our further analyses showed some defects of the food industry since during evaluation of performances there will not be paid real attention to basic competencies necessary to survival in today's world as ability for communication or willlingness to innovation. It is an important task to improve and appreciate these factors for the surveyed organizations, at any rate.One has however to emphasize the abilities of precise working, substantive decision and problem solving. Organizations have to keep in mind that they have to adapt themselves to a changing environment, labour circumstances more and more and quicker and quicker, a primary assumption of which is a well-trained, loyal employee with an excellent performance.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle. - 5 : 1 (2010), p. 72-77. -
További szerzők:Dienesné Kovács Erzsébet (1953-) (agrármérnök, pszichológus)
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