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001-es BibID:BIBFORM067659
Első szerző:Madarász Tibor (oktatáskutató)
Cím:Military Education : Construction of Social Connection through Education of Home Defense / Madarász Tibor
Megjegyzések:In the study we present the rebirth of the military education which has national traditions in our country. We describe the transformation of Gábor Dénes Electronic Secondary Technical School and Students Hostel into national military boarding school.The method of the research is founded on analysis of more than 1900 hours survey and half structured interviews. Local documents, laws, government edicts supplement our experience.According to the results of the research the transformation of institute fulfils the expectations and it gets support from society and government considerably. Leaders, participants and executive staff give different support to transformation in everyday practice.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
military education
Megjelenés:Létünk 44 : 3 (2014), p. 66-80. -
Internet cím:Szerző által megadott URL
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