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001-es BibID:BIBFORM034461
035-os BibID:(Scopus)0030935540 (PMID)9133752 (WoS)A1997WU64600009
Első szerző:Edson, Robert
Cím:Interrater reliability issues in multicenter trials, part II : statistical procedures used in Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study #3941 / Edson, R., Lavori, P., Tracy, K., Adler, L. A., Rotrosen, J., Gowda, S., Mukherjee, S., Williams, B., Duncan, E., Vaid, G., Schwartz, M., Hitzemann, R., Frecska, E., Manicone, P., Caroff, S., Campbell, E. C., Havey, J., Casey, D., Hoffman, W., Hansen, T., Brundage, T., Hixs, M., Hanna, M., Lohr, J., Browning, J., Kanof, P., Fain, R., Krystal, J., DSouza, D. C., Damon, D., Marder, S. S., Ames, D., Ross, D., Doorack, J., Hitzemann, R., Haakenson, C., Miller, M.
Megjegyzések:The primary goal of Veterans Affairs (VA) Cooperative Study (CS) #394 is to determine if vitamin E is a safe and efficacious treatment for tardive dyskinesia (TD). The study uses various instruments to assess subjects for movement disorders (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale [AIMS], and Barnes Akathisia Scale [BAS]), psychopathology (Anchored Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale [BPRS]), and level of functioning (Global Assessment of Functioning scale [GAF]). Since the study involves nine sites, each with its own set of raters, it is important to establish and maintain high interrater reliability (IRR) on these instruments throughout the study and to identify raters who differ significantly from the others. To make this determination, personnel at each site assessed subjects from standardized videotapes on the AIMS, BAS, and Anchored BPRS, and rated written vignettes on the GAF. We fit these data to a two-way additive model to identify nonstandardized raters (i.e., those whose average ratings were significantly lower or higher than the others, or those whose scores, after adjusting for subject and rater effects, were highly variable). The proportion of nonstandardized raters ranged from 7 percent (Anchored BPRS) to 33 percent (AIMS). The estimated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) indicated moderate reliability for the AIMS, BAS, and Anchored BPRS (0.73 to 0.75) and excellent agreement for the GAF (0.90). The companion article (Part I: Tracy et al. 1997, page 53 of this issue) describes the procedures used to train the raters for this study.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Psychopharmacology Bulletin. - 33 : 1 (1997), p. 59-67. -
További szerzők:Lavori, Philip Tracy, Kathlene Adler, Lenard A. Rotrosen, John Gowda, S. Mukherjee, Subhendu Williams, B. Duncan, E. Vaid, G. Schwartz, M. Hitzemann, Robert Frecska Ede (1953-) (pszichiáter) Manicone, P. Caroff, Stanley Campbell, E. C. Havey, J. Casey, D. Hoffman, W. Hansen, T. Brundage, T. Hixs, M. Hanna, M. Lohr, J. Browning, J. Kanof, P. Fain, R. Krystal, J. DSouza, D. C. Damon, D. Marder, S. S. Ames, D. Ross, David Doorack, J. Hitzemann, R. Haakenson, C. Miller, M.


001-es BibID:BIBFORM034459
035-os BibID:WOS:A1997WU64600008 PMID:9133751
Első szerző:Tracy, Kathlene
Cím:Interrater reliability issues in multicenter trials, part I : theoretical concepts and operational procedures used in Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study #3941 / Tracy, K., Adler, L. A., Rotrosen, J., Edson, R., Lavori, P., Gowda, S., Mukherjee, S., Williams, B., Duncan, E., Schwartz, M., Hitzemann, R., Frecska, E., Manicone, P., Caroff, S., Campbell, C., Havey, J., Casey, D., Hoffman, W., Hansen, T., Brundage, T., Hixs, M., Hanna, M., Lohr, J., Browning, J., Kanof, P., Fain, R., Krystal, J., DSouza, D. C., Damon, D., Marder, S. S., Ames, D., Ross, D., Doorack, J., Hitzemann, R., Lohr, J., Haakenson, C., Miller, M.
Megjegyzések:This article describes a standardized method for establishing and maintaining desired levels of interrater reliability (IRR) in multicenter trials. The procedure involves six steps: distribution of procedural guides, distribution of an introduction tape, initial distribution of patient interviews to rate, training at the study kickoff meeting, ongoing IRR monitoring, and group training throughout the study. This method is being used in a national Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study (CS #394), involving nine sites to examine the treatment effects of vitamin E on tardive dyskinesia. The six-step standardized process allowed for early detection of areas of concern in assessment administration. When comparing intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) at different points in the initial training, the Barnes Akathisia Scale and Anchored Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale reliability improved from 0.68 to 0.74 and from 0.54 to 0.87, respectively. After analyzing the ratings collected prior to the start of CS #394, data were collected to conduct the first check on Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) IRR during enrollment; the estimated ICC for the AIMS had decreased from 0.87 to 0.60. Raters were instructed to re-assess the subjects from the first videotape on the AIMS and received additional training. The re-rating indicated very good reliability, 0.84, IRR was measured once for the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale resulting in an ICC of 0.90. The companion article (Part II: Edson et al. 1997, page 59 of this issue) describes the statistical procedures used to measure IRR.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Psychopharmacology Bulletin. - 33 : 1 (1997), p. 53-57. -
További szerzők:Adler, Lenard A. Rotrosen, John Edson, Robert Lavori, Philip Gowda, S. Mukherjee, Subhendu Williams, B. Duncan, E. Schwartz, M. Hitzemann, Robert Frecska Ede (1953-) (pszichiáter) Manicone, P. Caroff, Stanley Campbell, Cabrina Havey, J. Casey, D. Hoffman, W. Hansen, T. Brundage, T. Hixs, M. Hanna, M. Lohr, J. Browning, J. Kanof, P. Fain, R. Krystal, J. DSouza, D. C. Damon, D. Marder, S. S. Ames, D. Ross, David Doorack, J. Hitzemann, R. Lohr, James Haakenson, C. Miller, M.
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