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001-es BibID:BIBFORM061580
Első szerző:Surányi Gyula (biológus)
Cím:Analysis of genetic diversity in crocuses with Carpathian Basin origin using AFLP-markers / G. Surányi, C. Máthé, Ágnes Mosolygó, G. Borbély, G. Vasas
ISSN:0236-5383 1588-256X
Megjegyzések:Crocus taxonomy has until now been based primarily on morphology, taking chromosome numbers into consideration. the genetics and genome structure of the genus, the relationships and diversity within the genus are not well known. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a whole genome approach to study genetic variation that is gaining in popularity for lower-level systematics. the present study employed the Aflp technique for analyzing relationships among taxa of the Crocus genus (particularly the Crocus vernus aggregate) with carpathian Basin origin. the molecular variance obtained was based on amplification, separation and detection of Ecori and Tru1i double-digested Crocus spp. genomic DNAs. Our results confirm the relatedness of C. tommasinianus, C. vittatus and C. heuffelianus at the Verni series of the Crocus genus. c. banaticus is taxonomically isolated as the sole member of the subgenus Crociris based on unique morphological features, but the difference is not convincing from Aflp data. the second interesting Aflp analysis result is the position of C. scepusiensis which separated it from the Crocus vernus aggregate.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Crocus banaticus
Crocus scepusiensis
Crocus vernus aggregate
molecular taxonomy
Megjelenés:Acta Biologica Hungarica. - 61 : Suppl. (2010), p. 149-155. -
További szerzők:Máthé Csaba (1966-) (biológus) Mosolygó Ágnes (1986-) (biológus) Borbély György (1943-) (biológus) Vasas Gábor (1975-) (biológus-vegyész)
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