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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073319
Első szerző:Sárváry Enikő
Cím:Prediction of early renal graft function by the measurement of donor urinary glutathione S-transferases / Sárváry Enikő, Nemes Balázs, Járay Jenő, Dinya Elek, Borka Péter, Varga Marina, Sulyok Bea, Remport Ádám, Tóth András, Perner Ferenc
Megjegyzések:BACKGROUND: We have investigated the possibility of urinary alpha- and pi class glutathione S-transferases (GST-a; GST-pi) serving as a valuable parameter to predict early graft function after transplantation. METHOD: Urinary GST concentrations of 61 donors (DON) and recipients (REC) were analyzed at preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods. We grouped recipients according to the early postoperative graft recovery days. RESULTS: The donor graft function, represented by the donor urinary GST concentration (GST-pi:17,1+/-12 microg/l mmol creatinine (crea); GST-a:14,3+/-10 microg/mmol crea), sustained a loss in comparison to the healthy controls (GST-a; pi< or =1 microg/mmol crea). According to statistical analysis, the donor GST-pi level showed a strong correlation with graft recovery days-pi (r = 0.84; P<0.001). The early graft function cannot be predicted by means of cold ischemia time (22.8+/-3.4 hr), nor handling time (42.4+/-11.1 min), nor even the intraoperative enzyme concentrations. The GST-pi cut off level (12.55 microg/mmol crea) might predict the possible posttransplant graft dysfunction. The discriminative analysis showed that using only DON GST-pi alone could discriminate well between the groups among all grafts in 68%. CONCLUSION: Prognosis is poorer if the donor GST-pi concentration is above 12.55 microg/mmol crea. On the basis of the determination of GST-pi concentration in the donor urine, we can predict graft viability before the surgical procedure with a reliability of 68%.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Transplantation 69 : 7 (2000), p. 1397-1402. -
További szerzők:Nemes Balázs Áron (1969-) (sebész) Járay Jenő Dinya Elek Borka Péter Varga Marina Sulyok Bea Remport Ádám Tóth András Perner Ferenc
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