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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073118
Első szerző:Bhatta, Anil Kumar
Cím:A review of the mechanism of action of lasers and photodynamic therapy for onychomycosis / Anil Kumar Bhatta, Uma Keyal, Xiuli Wang, Emese Gellén
Megjegyzések:Onychomycosis is one of the most commondiseases in the field of dermatology. It refers to thefungal infection of the nail plate or nail bed with highincidence in the general population. The available treatmentoptions for onychomycosis have limited use due toside effects, drug interactions, and contraindications,which necessitates the application of an alternative treatmentfor onychomycosis. In the recent years, lasers andphotodynamic therapy (PDT) have been recognized asalternative treatment options. Most of the previous studieshave found them to be safe and effective treatmentmodalities in this indication; however, the results variedgreatly and the in vitro and in vivo outcomes are contradictory.In the present review, studies related to themechanism of action of lasers and PDT for the treatmentof onychomycosis will be discussed, with a focuson to find explanation to the contradictory results.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Laser therapy
Photodynamic therapy
Megjelenés:Lasers In Medical Science 32 : 2 (2017), p. 469-474. -
További szerzők:Keyal, Uma Wang, Xiuli Gellén Emese (1986-) (bőrgyógyász)
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