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001-es BibID:BIBFORM108169
035-os BibID:(MTMT)33609356
Első szerző:Predoiu, Radu
Cím:Perceptions of Organizational Climate and Competitiveanxiety in the Case of Swimming coaches / Radu Predoiu, Valentin Golovca, Alexandra Predoiu, Ewa Sygit-Kowalowska, Laurențiu Daniel Ticala, Germina Cosma, Camelia Braneț, Klára Kovács
Megjegyzések:Coaches are given an essential role in a process that can enhance youth engagement and increase the chance to obtain top level performances in sport. The scope of the research was to investigate the relationship between organizational climate and competitive anxiety in swimming coaches. Also, the current study wants to emphasize differences in perceived organizational climate and competitive anxiety among coaches according to sports performances, experience and gender. Thirty Romanian swimming coaches (M = 28.93), 15 male and 15 female participated in the study. The Competitive Anxiety in Sport Questionnaire and The ECO System - investigating different components of the organizational climate were used. The results showed that female swim coaches perceived the tasks to be clearer within the sports organization in which they work, felt that there was more support from the organization's management, that relationships with colleagues and, also, the reward/ motivational system were better, compared to the male swim coaches. The Mann-Whitney (U) test was used to investigate the differences between swimming coaches taking into account coaches` experience level, gender and obtained sports performances (competitive anxiety and perceived organizational climate were approached). Furthermore, using the Spearman correlation, the associations between different dimensions of organizational climate and competitive anxiety of swimming coaches (separately for male and female coaches) were discussed. The findings of the current study provide valuable information to sports managers (and sports psychologists), which can intervene to increase the quality of life of employees (in this case, swimming coaches).
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
trait anxiety
organizational climate
Megjelenés:Journal of Sport and Kinetic Movement. - 40 : 2 (2022), p. 18-27. -
További szerzők:Golovca, Valentin Predoiu, Alexandra Sygit-Kowalowska, Ewa Ticala, Laurențiu Daniel Cosma, Germina Braneț, Camelia Kovács Klára (1987-) (oktatáskutató, szociológus)
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