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001-es BibID:BIBFORM064331
Első szerző:Pfliegler Valter Péter (molekuláris biológus)
Cím:Some spiders (Araneae) new to the Hungarian fauna, including three genera and one family / Pfliegler W. P., Pfeiffer K. M., Grabolle A.
ISSN:0237-5419 2063-1588
Megjegyzések:We report the occurrence of new species of spiders to Hungary: Acantholycosa lignaria (Clerck, 1758), Episinusmaculipes Cavanna, 1876, Oecobius maculatus Simon, 1870 and Pandava laminata (Thorell, 1878). We also report Clubionaneglecta O. P.-Cambridge, 1862 (previously only mentioned in a table in a Hungarian-language dissertation). The genusAcantholycosa (Dahl, 1908) was hitherto unknown in Hungary, yet expected to occur. The family Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862 isnew to the Hungarian fauna. The Southeast-Asian neozoon Pandava laminata is also recorded as new to Hungary. All furtherspecies found to be new to the Hungarian fauna or described in Hungary after the most recent publication of a Hungarian spiderchecklist are briefly mentioned
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Opuscula Zoologica Budapest. - 43 : 2 (2012), p. 179-186. -
További szerzők:Pfeiffer K. M. Grabolle, Arno
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