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001-es BibID:BIBFORM061430
Első szerző:Varga Zsolt (építőmérnök)
Cím:Evaluating the accuracy of orthophotos in the context of forest borders in hungarian test sites / Zsolt Varga, Herta Czedli, Jozsef Loki, Janos Biro, Ákos Fekete
Megjegyzések:Researchers all over the world need new tools andtechniques with which the conditions of the land and itsvegetation can be better evaluated. The most important oneof these, adapted for this purpose in recent years, is perhapsthe aerial photograph. Taking aerial photos in Hungaryserves for multiple purposes: assessment of the conditionsof farmland vegetation, vineyards, and orchards, demarcationof soil erosion, revealing damage caused by seepage,assessment of the woodland, survey of the tree populationwithin the woodland, and a comparison of actual woodlandareas with their legal situation. High resolution digital remotesensing photos are a potential means for comparativeanalysis of bigger areas, which is a priority in the light oftime and costs needed for field data interpretation. Prior toexecuting any comparative analysis, however, expected accuracyof data gained from photos should be known, so asto judge whether these data comply with accuracy requirementsof the task at hand. We have compared points, linesand polygons of manually obtained terrain measurementsand those digitized from orthophotos of the same chosenareas. Expected accuracy and reliability of forest bordersobtained by orthophoto digitization can be computed byusing a function constructed during our research. In our paper,we wish to emphasize that the analyses we appliedmay indirectly be utilized to analyze fluctuation andstrength of external conditions, fundamentally determiningsustainability of the ecological identity-stability of the livesystem, and further, that the results gained by the applicationof our method may be used effectively for planningand research purposes.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Építőmérnöki tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. - 24 : 12 (2015), p. 4239-4245. -
További szerzők:Czédli Herta (1977-) (környezetvédelmi ökológus, fizikus) Lóki József (1946-) (geográfus) Biró János (1971-) (birtokrendező mérnök) Fekete Ákos
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