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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074031
Első szerző:Major István (környezetkutató)
Cím:Adoption and evaluation of a sample pre-treatment protocol for radiocarbon dating of cremated bones at HEKAL / István Major, János Dani, Viktória Kiss, Eszter Melis, Róbert Patay, Géza Szabó, Katalin Hubay, Marianna Túri, István Futó, Róbert Huszánk, A. J. Timothy Jull, Mihály Molnár
Megjegyzések:A comparative study was undertaken, comprising different types of archaeological samples (cremated bone, bone, charcoal, charred grain) to adopt and evaluate a radiocarbon preparation procedure for AMS measurements of cremated bones at our laboratory. All radiocarbon analyses were performed with the EnvironMICADAS AMS instrument at the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (HEKAL) and the ancillary analyses were performed at the Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), as well. After the chemical and physical cleaning of cremated bones, CO2 was extracted by acidic hydrolysis followed by sealed tube graphitization and 14C measurement. The supplementary ?13C measurements were also performed on CO2 gas while FTIR was measured on powder fraction. Based on the FTIR and 14C analyses, our chemical pre-treatment protocol is suitable for removing contamination from the samples. Good reproducibility was obtained for the 0.2-0.3 mm fraction of blind tested samples and merely a maximum age difference of 150 yr was experienced at the associated samples of the remaining case studies. This confirms the reliability of our procedure adopted for 14C dating of cremated bones. However, in one case study, the age difference of 300 yr between the two cremated fragments originating from the same urn shows that other processes between the cremated samples and the post burial environment can substantially influence the 14C age, so caution must be exercised.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
radiokarbon korolás
hamvak korolása
Megjelenés:Radiocarbon. - 61 : 1 (2019), p. 159-171. -
További szerzők:Dani János Kiss Viktória (archeológia) Melis Eszter Patay Róbert Szabó Géza Hubay Katalin (1985-) (biológus, környezetkutató) Túri Marianna (1988-) (geográfus-geoinformatikus) Futó István (fizikus) Huszánk Róbert (vegyész kutató) Jull, A. J. Timothy (1951-) (radiocarbon scientist) Molnár Mihály
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00009
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM095102
Első szerző:Túri Marianna (geográfus-geoinformatikus)
Cím:Holocene paleoclimate inferred from stable isotope (?18O and ?13C) values in Sphagnum cellulose, Mohos peat bog, Romania / Marianna Túri, Katalin Hubay, Mihály Molnár, Mihály Braun, Elemér László, István Futó, László Palcsu
Megjegyzések:We measured stable isotopes (d18O and d13C) in Sphagnum cellulose that was extracted from a long peat core drilled in the ombrotrophic Mohos peat bog, Ciomadul Mountain, Romania. The 10-m-long peat profile spans the period from 11,800 cal yr BP to present. The d18O and d13C data indicate there were several cooling events and warm periods in the area of the Mohos peat bog during the Holocene. The 8.2-ka cold event, however, was not detected using d18O and d13C values. Response of the peat bog to changing environmental conditions was inferred using data on organic matter accumulation, independent of the stable isotope results. All cool periods during the Holocene, whether of short or long duration, were identified as times of reduced organic matter accumulation rate. Similarly, dry periods were also correlated with reduced accumulation rates of organic matter.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
stable isotopes
peat bog
Megjelenés:Journal Of Paleolimnology. - 66 (2021), p. 229-248. -
További szerzők:Hubay Katalin (1985-) (biológus, környezetkutató) Molnár Mihály (1974-) (fizikus) Braun Mihály (1966-) (vegyész, analitikus) László Elemér (1987-) (meteorológus előrejelző szakiránnyal) Futó István (fizikus) Palcsu László (1975-) (fizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00009
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM091536
Első szerző:Túri Marianna (geográfus-geoinformatikus)
Cím:Preliminary stable isotope results from the Mohos peat bog, East-Carpathians / Marianna Túri, László Palcsu, István Futó, Katalin Hubay, Mihály Molnár, László Rinyu, Mihály Braun
ISSN:1029-7006 1607-7962
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idézhető absztrakt
Megjelenés:Geophysical Research Abstracts. - 2016 : 18 (2016), p. EGU2016-6407. -
További szerzők:Palcsu László (1975-) (fizikus) Futó István (fizikus) Hubay Katalin (1985-) (biológus, környezetkutató) Molnár Mihály Rinyu László (fizikus) Braun Mihály (1966-) (vegyész, analitikus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072291
Első szerző:Túri Marianna (geográfus-geoinformatikus)
Cím:Isotope Characteristics of the water and sediment in volcanic lake Saint Ana, East-Carpathians, Romania / Marianna Túri, László Palcsu, László Papp, Anikó Horváth, István Futó, Mihály Molnár, László Rinyu, Róbert Janovics, Mihály Braun, Katalin Hubay, Boglárka Mercédesz Kis, Gabriella Koltai
ISSN:1842-4090 1844-489X
Megjegyzések:The paper gives the results of an isotope investigation carried out on the waters of the craterlake,Lake Saint Ana (Sf. Ana), of the Ciomadul Mountain, which is located in the Harghita Mountains ofthe East Carpathians in Romania. The main purpose of this study was to ivestigate the isotope signatureof the lake water. The collected water samples were examined for stable carbon, oxygen and hydrogenisotopes, and for noble gas concentrations, and, in addition, for radiocarbon and tritium. Sedimentsamples were collected for tritium measurement. The measured stable oxygen and hydrogen shows thatthe lake was subject to mixing before the sampling and there is ~50 % evaporation loss. The stable carbonanalysis shows that there is an abundant volume of volcanic degassed CO2 surplus which can be derivedfrom the mantle. The 14C activity of the lake's dissolved inorganic carbon is significantly less than the 14Ccontent of recent atmospheric carbon. This reservoir effect is supposed to be caused by the volcanicdegassed CO2 with no 14C content. Depletion of radiocarbon in the order of 85-92.5 pMC could indicate areservoir age of 950?1650 years. The tritium values of the lake water confirm the mixing theory of thelake and the tritium content of the sediment pore water shows that the lake discharges into the CiomadulMountain. The helium isotope ratios indicate a minor helium flux of mantle origin.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
izotóp hidrológia
Megjelenés:Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. - 11 : 2 (2016), p. 475-484. -
További szerzők:Palcsu László (1975-) (fizikus) Papp László (1990-) (geográfus, klimatológia) Horváth Anikó (1985-) (vegyész) Futó István (fizikus) Molnár Mihály (1974-) (fizikus) Rinyu László (fizikus) Janovics Róbert (1984-) (környezetkutató) Braun Mihály (1966-) (vegyész, analitikus) Hubay Katalin (1985-) (biológus, környezetkutató) Kis Boglárka Mercédesz Koltai Gabriella
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0043
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