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001-es BibID:BIBFORM060685
Első szerző:Szilágyi Gergely (növénytermesztő)
Cím:Performance of wheat quality characteristics impacted by precrop and plant nutrition / Gergely Szilágyi
ISSN:2064-7816 2064-9479
Megjegyzések:Our field researches took place on the test farm of KIT Látókép of University of Debrecen, Centrefor Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences, in growing seasons 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, after previouscropping of sunflower with control, N60+PK and N120+PKfertilizer treatments, with varieties Mv Csárdás and MvToldi, on chernozem soil, in long-term experiment. According to our data, variety and the effect of the crop yearstrongly affected the values of the leaf area index (LAI) and the yield. Due to the mild winter in growing season2013/2014 varieties had much larger assimilative surface, which caused increase in LAI and in the yield. Thereforethe natural nutrient utilization capability of the varieties significantly increased. Compared to the previous year, incontrol treatment we measured 250.0-270.2% higher yield due to the favourable effect of the crop year. Maximumyield (8.21 t ha-1) was measured with N60+PK fertilizer treatment with variety Mv Toldi. According to our results,in the more favourable crop year of 2013/2014, differences of the SPAD values between the N60+PK and N120+PKtreatments were minimum (changed between 2.8-6.3 units). It means that the effect of fertilization on SPAD valueshas reached its optimum level according to our yield results.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
winter wheat
crop rotation
nutrient supply
Megjelenés:Columella Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. - 2 : 1 (2015), p. 79-84. -
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