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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077036
035-os BibID:(WoS)000458934000210 (Scopus)85061291471
Első szerző:Bombicz Mariann (gyógyszerész)
Cím:The Drug Candidate BGP-15 Delays the Onset of Diastolic Dysfunction in the Goto-Kakizaki Rat Model of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy / Bombicz Mariann, Priksz Daniel, Gesztelyi Rudolf, Kiss Rita, Hollos Nora, Varga Balazs, Nemeth Jozsef, Toth Attila, Papp Zoltan, Szilvassy Zoltan, Juhasz Bela
Megjegyzések:Background and Aims: Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is an emerging problem worldwide due to an increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Animal studies have indicated that metformin and pioglitazone can prevent DCM partly by normalizing insulin resistance, and partly by other, pleiotropic mechanisms. One clinical study has evidenced the insulin-senzitizing effect of the drug candidate BGP-15, along with additional animal studies that have confirmed its beneficial effects in models of diabetes, muscular dystrophy and heart failure, with the drug affecting chaperones, contractile proteins and mitochondria. Our aim was to investigate whether the inzulin-senzitizer BGP-15 exert any additive cardiovascular effects compared to metformin or pioglitazone, using Goto-Kakizaki (GotoK) rats. Methods: Rats were divided into five groups: (I) healthy control (Wistar), (II) diseased (GotoK), and GotoK rats treated with: (III) BGP-15, (IV) metformin, and (V) pioglitazone, respectively, for 12 weeks. Metabolic parameters and insulin levels were determined at the endpoint. Doppler echocardiography was carried out to estimate diabetes-associated cardiac dysfunction. Thoracotomy was performed after the vascular status of rats was evaluated using an isolated aortic ring method. Furthermore, western blot assays were carried out to determine expression or phosphorylation levels of selected proteins that take part in myocyte relaxation. Results: BGP-15 restored diastolic parameters (e·/a·, E/e·, LAP, E and A wave) and improved Tei-index compared to untreated GotoK rats. Vascular status was unaffected by BGP-15. Expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) and phosphodiesterase 9A (PDE9A) were unchanged by the treatments, but the phosphorylation level of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and phospholamban (PLB) increased in BGP-15-treated rats, in comparison to GotoK. Conclusions: Even though the BGP-15-treatment did not interfere significantly with glucose homeostasis and vascular status, it considerably enhanced diastolic function, by affecting the SERCA/phospholamban pathway in GotoK rats. Although it requires further investigation, BGP-15 may offer a new therapeutic approach in DCM.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
diastolic dysfunction
type 2 diabetes
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 24 : 3 (2019), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:Priksz Dániel (1989-) (farmakológus) Gesztelyi Rudolf (1969-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Hollós Nóra (1995-) (hallgató) Varga Balázs (1984-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Németh József (1954-) (vegyész, analitikus) Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Juhász Béla (1978-) (kísérletes farmakológus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.4-15-2016-00002
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113767
035-os BibID:(WOS)001046279300001 (Scopus)85167757553 (cikkazonosító)5711
Első szerző:Burlou-Nagy, Cristina
Cím:Determination of the Bioactive Compounds from Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Leaves Extracts in Correlation with the Antimicrobial Activity and the In Vitro Wound Healing Potential / Cristina Burlou-Nagy, Florin Bănică, Rodica Anamaria Negrean, Tünde Jurca, Laura Grațiela Vicas, Eleonora Marian, Ildikó Bácskay, Rita Kiss, Pálma Fehér, Simona Ioana Vicas, Florina Miere (Groza), Adriana Ramona Memete, Annamaria Pallag
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 28 : 15 (2023), p. 1-21. -
További szerzők:Bǎnicǎ, Florin Negrean, Rodica Anamaria Jurca Tünde Vicaș, Laura Grațiela Marian, Eleonora Bácskay Ildikó (1969-) (gyógyszerész, gyógyszertechnológus) Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Fehér Pálma (1976-) (gyógyszerész) Vicas Simona Miere (Groza), Florina Memete, Adriana Ramona Pallag Annamária
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074794
035-os BibID:(WoS)000447365100097 (Scopus)85052651287
Első szerző:Erdei Tamás Dániel (kísérletes farmakológus)
Cím:FSCPX, a chemical widely used as an irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, modifies the effect of NBTI, a nucleoside transport inhibitor, by reducing the interstitial adenosine level in the guinea pig atrium / Tamas Erdei, Adrienn Monika Szabo, Nora Lampe, Katalin Szabo, Rita Kiss, Judit Zsuga, Csaba Papp, Akos Pinter, Andras Jozsef Szentmiklosi, Zoltan Szilvassy, Bela Juhasz, Rudolf Gesztelyi
Megjegyzések:Based on in silico results, recently we have assumed that FSCPX, an irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, inhibits the action of NBTI that is apparent on E/c curves of adenosine receptor agonists. As a mechanism for this unexpected effect, we hypothesized that FSCPX might modify the equilibrative and NBTI-sensitive nucleoside transporter (ENT1) in a way that it allows ENT1 to transport adenosine but impedes NBTI to inhibit this transport. This assumption implies that our method developed to estimate receptor reserve for agonists with short half-life such as adenosine, in its original form, overestimates the receptor reserve. In this study, therefore, our goals were to experimentally test our assumption on this effect of FSCPX, to improve our receptor reserve-estimating method, and then to compare the original and improved forms of this method. Thus, we improved our method and assessed the receptor reserve for the direct negative inotropic effect of adenosine with both forms of this method in guinea pig atria. We have found that FSCPX inhibits the effects of NBTI that are mediated by increasing the interstitial concentration of adenosine of endogenous (but not exogenous) origin. As a mechanism for this action of FSCPX, inhibition of enzymes participating in the interstitial adenosine production can be hypothesized, while modification of ENT1 can be excluded. Furthermore, we have shown that, in comparison with the improved form, the original version of our method overestimates receptor reserve, but only to a small extent. Nevertheless, use of the improved form is recommended in the future.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
A1 adenosine receptor
receptorial responsiveness method
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 23 : 9 (2018), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Szabó Adrienn Mónika (1982-) (orvos) Lampé Nóra Szabó Katalin (1989-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Zsuga Judit (1973-) (neurológus, pszichoterapeuta, egészségügyi szakmanager) Papp Csaba (1966-) (aneszteziológus és intenzív terápiás szakorvos) Pintér Ákos (1967-) (matematikus) Szentmiklósi József András (1948-) (farmakológus, klinikai laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Juhász Béla (1978-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Gesztelyi Rudolf (1969-) (kísérletes farmakológus)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086205
035-os BibID:(WoS)000553858800078 (Scopus)85085910076
Első szerző:Hegedűs Csaba (Molekuláris biológus, Cera-Med Kft. Debrecen)
Cím:SIRT1 Activation by Equisetum Arvense L. (Horsetail) Modulates Insulin Sensitivity in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats / Csaba Hegedűs, Mariana Muresan, Andrea Badale, Mariann Bombicz, Balázs Varga, Anna Szilágyi, Dávid Sinka, Ildikó Bácskay, Mihaela Popoviciu, Ioan Magyar, Mária Magdolna Szarvas, Erzsébet Szőllősi, József Németh, Zoltán Szilvássy, Annamária Pallag, Rita Kiss
Megjegyzések:Equisetum arvense L., commonly known as field horsetail is a perennial fern of which extracts are rich sources of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Activation of SIRT1 that was shown to be involved in well-known signal pathways of diabetic cardiomyopathy has a protective effect against oxidative stress, inflammatory processes, and apoptosis that are the basis of diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, or cardiovascular diseases. The aim of our study was to evaluate the antidiabetic and cardioprotective effects of horsetail extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. METHODS: Diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of 45 mg/kg streptozotocin. In the control groups (healthy and diabetic), rats were administered with vehicle, whilst in the treated groups, animals were administered with 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg horsetail extract, respectively, for six weeks. Blood glucose levels, glucose tolerance, and insulin sensitivity were determined, and SIRT1 levels were measured from the cardiac muscle. RESULTS: The horsetail extract showed moderate beneficial changes in blood glucose levels and exhibited a tendency to elevate SIRT1 levels in cardiomyocytes, furthermore a 100 mg/kg dose also improved insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether our results suggest that horsetail extract might have potential in ameliorating manifested cardiomyopathy acting on SIRT1.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 25 : 11 (2020), p. 2541-2561. -
További szerzők:Muresan, Mariana Badale, Andrea (1986-) (gyógyszerész) Bombicz Mariann (1987-) (gyógyszerész) Varga Balázs (1984-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Szilágyi Anna Tünde (1981-) Sinka Dávid Zsolt (1991-) (gyógyszerész) Bácskay Ildikó (1969-) (gyógyszerész, gyógyszertechnológus) Popoviciu, Mihaela Magyar, Ioan Szarvas Mária Magdolna (1989-) (élelmiszeripari mérnök) Szőllősi Erzsébet (1983-) (biológus) Németh József (1954-) (vegyész, analitikus) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Pallag Annamária Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH1150-6/2019
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM079164
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)2207 (Wos)000473816900013 (Scopus)85067308414
Első szerző:Szabó Adrienn Mónika (orvos)
Cím:An Advanced in silico Modelling of the Interaction between FSCPX, an Irreversible A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, and NBTI, a Nucleoside Transport Inhibitor, in the Guinea Pig Atrium / Adrienn Monika Szabo, Tamas Erdei, Gabor Viczjan, Rita Kiss, Judit Zsuga, Csaba Papp, Akos Pinter, Bela Juhasz, Zoltan Szilvassy, Rudolf Gesztelyi
Megjegyzések:In earlier studies, we generated concentration-response (E/c) curves with CPA (N6- cyclopentyladenosine; a selective A1 adenosine receptor agonist) and adenosine, in the presence or absence of S-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI, a selective nucleoside transport inhibitor), and with or without a pretreatment with 8-cyclopentyl-N3-[3-(4-(fluorosulfonyl)- benzoyloxy)propyl]-N1-propylxanthine (FSCPX, a chemical known as a selective, irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist), in isolated, paced guinea pig left atria. Meanwhile, we observed a paradoxical phenomenon, i.e. the co-treatment with FSCPX and NBTI appeared to enhance the direct negative inotropic response to adenosine. In the present in silico study, we aimed to reproduce eight of these E/c curves. Four models (and two additional variants of the last model) were constructed, each one representing a set of assumptions, in order to find the model exhibiting the best fit to the ex vivo data, and to gain insight into the paradoxical phenomenon in question. We have obtained in silico evidence for an interference between effects of FSCPX and NBTI upon our ex vivo experimental setting. Regarding the mechanism of this interference, in silico evidence has been gained for the assumption that FSCPX inhibits the effect of NBTI on the level of endogenous (but not exogenous) adenosine. As an explanation, it may be hypothesized that FSCPX inhibits an enzyme participating in the interstitial adenosine formation. In addition, our results suggest that NBTI does not stop the inward adenosine flux in the guinea pig atrium completely.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
receptorial responsiveness method
computer simulation
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 24 : 12 (2019), p. 1-16. -
További szerzők:Erdei Tamás Dániel (1992-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Viczján Gábor (1993-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Zsuga Judit (1973-) (neurológus, pszichoterapeuta, egészségügyi szakmanager) Papp Csaba (1966-) (aneszteziológus és intenzív terápiás szakorvos) Pintér Ákos (1967-) (matematikus) Juhász Béla (1978-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Gesztelyi Rudolf (1969-) (kísérletes farmakológus)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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