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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066846
Első szerző:Nagy János (agrármérnök, mérnök-tanár)
Cím:Results of Maize Production and Maize Processing in Hungary / Nagy János, Rátonyi Tamás, Harsányi Endre, Nagy Orsolya, Széles Adrienn
Megjegyzések:During the examination of the cultivation treatments, it was concluded that the highest yield was obtained as a result of autumn ploughing, but its effect largely differs in the irrigated and the non-irrigated treatments. In years with smaller, average precipitation supply or when the precipitation was higher than average, higher plant numbers were more favourable. Under drier conditions, but especially in several consecutively dry years, a lower plant number can be recommended which is not higher than 60 thousand per hectare. In the case of favourable water supply, 70-80 thousand plants per hectare can be used. The yield increasing effect of fertilisation was significant in the case of both non-irrigated and irrigated conditions, but it was much more moderate in the non-irrigated treatment.Irrigation is not enough in itself, because if it was not accompanied by intensive nutrient management, yields started to decline.Although the quality parameters of maize are hereditary, these can be modified by ecological and agrotechnical factors. The main factors which have a significant influence on yield and quality are fertilisation and N supply.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Regionális tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:25th International Scientific- Experts Congress on Agriculture and Food Industry. - p. 321-324.
További szerzők:Rátonyi Tamás (1967-) (agrármérnök) Harsányi Endre (1976-) (agrármérnök) Nagy Orsolya (1989-) (regionális tudományok) Széles Adrienn (1980-) (okleveles agrármérnök)
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