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001-es BibID:BIBFORM110167
Első szerző:Katona Flóra
Cím:Comparison of the leading fruit juice manufacturers of Hungary based on their financial position / Flóra Katona, Vilmos Lakatos, Péter Horváth,
Megjegyzések:Nowadays, due to the intensified market competition, it is essential for businesses to be well aware of their capabilities and limitations. When preparing their financial statements, they not only comply with legal obligations, but also provide important information to stakeholders on the successfulness of their operations. Based on the data obtained from the balance sheet and profit and loss account, annual statements also contribute to the facilitation of managerial decision-making and the development of the company with the help of indicators. In the case presented below, the aim was to compare the financial position of two companies that have a significant market share in their sector in Hungary. The two companies to be compared are Sió-Eckes Ltd. And Rauch Hungária Ltd., which are outstanding market players in the field of fruit juice production. Companies think similarly about the importance of maintaining continuous technological development, product development, and competitiveness, but the significant difference between them is that they achieve their goals with a different strategy. The sales revenue of Sió-Eckes Ltd. comes mostly from the domestic market, in contrast, Rauch Hungária Ltd. also sells significant quantities abroad, which greatly contributes to maintaining its competitiveness and economic results, as well as maintaining its solvency.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
net working capital
financial position
stocking time
Megjelenés:SEA: Practical Application of Science. - 8 : 23 (2020), p. 197-203. -
További szerzők:Lakatos Vilmos (1969-) (közgazdász) Horváth Péter (1983-) (vidékfejlesztési agrármérnök)
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