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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114074
035-os BibID:(WoS)001044998500001 (Scopus)85168326400
Első szerző:Ma, Tian
Cím:Gallium(III)- and Thallium(III)-Encapsulated Polyoxopalladates: Synthesis, Structure, Multinuclear NMR, and Biological Activity Studies / Ma, Tian; Ma, Xiang; Lin, Zhengguo; Zhang, Jiayao; Yang, Peng; Csupász, Tibor; Tóth, Imre; Misirlic-Dencic, Sonja; Isakovic, Andjelka M.; Lembo, David; Donalisio, Manuela; Kortz, Ulrich
ISSN:0020-1669 1520-510X
Megjegyzések:The phosphate-capped 12-palladate nanocubes[XPd12O8(PO4)(8)](13-) (X=Ga-III, GaPd(12)P(8); X=Tl-III, TlPd(12)P(8)) and the 23-palladate double-cube [Tl-2(Pd23P14O70)-Pd-III(OH)(2)](20-) (Tl(2)Pd(23)P(14)) have beenprepared and characterized in the solid state and in solution by P-31, Ga-71, and Tl-205 NMR. Biologicalstudies demonstrated the antitumor and antiviral activities of GaPd(12)P(8) and TlPd(12)P(8) being as efficient as cis-platinum against human melanoma and acute promyelocytic leukemiacells, exerting inhibitory activity against two herpetic viruses,HSV-2 and HCMV, in a dose-response manner. Three gallium(III)- and thallium(III)-containing polyoxopalladates(POPs) have been synthesized and structurally characterized in thesolid state and in solution, namely, the phosphate-capped 12-palladatenanocubes [XPd12O8(PO4)(8)](13-) (X=Ga-III, GaPd(12)P(8); X=Tl-III, TlPd(12)P(8)) and the 23-palladate double-cube[Tl-2(Pd23P14O70)-Pd-III(OH)(2)](20-) (Tl(2)Pd(23)P(14)). The cuboid POPs, GaPd(12)P(8) and TlPd(12)P(8), are solution stable as verified by the respective P-31, Ga-71, and Tl-205 nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectra. Of prime interest, the spin-spin coupling schemesallowed for an intimate study of the solution behavior of the Tl-III-containing POPs via a combination of P-31 and Tl-205 NMR, including the stoichiometry of the major fragmentsof Tl(2) Pd(23)P(14). Moreover,biological studies demonstrated the antitumor and antiviral activityof GaPd(12)P(8) and TlPd(12)P(8), which were validated to be asefficient as cis-platinum against human melanomaand acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Furthermore, GaPd(12)P(8) and TlPd(12)P(8) exerted inhibitory activity against two herpeticviruses, HSV-2 and HCMV, in a dose-response manner.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Inorganic Chemistry. - 62 : 33 (2023), p. 13195-13204. -
További szerzők:Ma, Xiang Lin, Zhengguo (1988-) (vegyész) Zhang, Jiayao Yang, Peng Csupász Tibor (1991-) (vegyész) Tóth Imre (1950-) (vegyész) Misirlic-Dencic, Sonja Isakovic, Andjelka M. Lembo, David Donalisio, Manuela Kortz, Ulrich (1963-) (vegyész)
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