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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073873
Első szerző:Papp László (környezetkutató fizikus geográfus)
Cím:A mass spectrometric line for tritium analysis of water and noble gas measurements from different water amountsin the range of microlitres and millilitres / Papp László, Palcsu László, Major Zoltán, Rinyu László, Tóth István
Megjegyzések:Thispaperdescribestheprocedurefollowedfornoblegasmeasurementsforlitres,millilitresandmicrolitres ofwatersamplesinourlaboratory,includingsamplepreparation,massspectrometricmeasurementprocedure, and the complete calibrations. The preparation line extracts dissolved gases from water samples of volumesof0.2?lto3landitseparatesthemasnobleandotherchemicallyactivegases.Ourcompactsystemhandlesthefollowingmeasurements:(i)determinationoftritiumconcentrationofenvironmentalwater samples by the 3He ingrowth method; (ii) noble gas measurements from surface water and groundwater; and (iii) noble gas measurements from ?uid inclusions of solid geological archives (e.g. speleothems).As aresult,thetritiummeasurementshaveadetectionlimitof0.012TU,andtheexpectationvalue(between1 and20TU)iswithin0.2%oftherealconcentrationswithastandarddeviationof2.4%.Thereproducibility of noble gas measurements for water samples of 20?40ml allows us to determine solubility temperatures by an uncertainty better than 0.5?C. Moreover, noble gas measurements for tiny water amounts (in the microlitre range) show that the results of the performed calibration measurements for most noble gas isotopes occur with a deviation of less than 2 %. Theoretically, these precisions for noble gas concentrations obtained from measurements of waters samples of a few microlitres allow us to determine noble gas temperatures by an uncertainty of less than 1?C. Here, we present the ?rst noble gas measurements of tiny amounts of arti?cial water samples prepared under laboratory conditions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
age dating
isotope measurements
methods and equipment
noble gas mass spectrometry
palaeoclimate reconstruction
Megjelenés:Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. - 48 : 4 (2012), p. 494-511. -
További szerzők:Palcsu László (1975-) (fizikus) Major Zoltán Rinyu László (fizikus) Tóth István
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